Study: Conservatives are more generous with charity

Conservatives who espouse less government make up for it by charity, which is more effective and voluntary rather than forced:

"The child of academics, raised in a liberal household and educated in the liberal arts, Brooks has written a book that concludes religious conservatives donate far more money than secular liberals to all sorts of charitable activities, irrespective of income.

In the book, he cites extensive data analysis to demonstrate that values advocated by conservatives -- from church attendance and two-parent families to the Protestant work ethic and a distaste for government-funded social services -- make conservatives more generous than liberals."

With Liberals charity is seen as a responsibility of government, with Conservatives charity is seen as a personal act.
I would expect a study like this to appeal to your simplistic need to paint everyone with a broad brush & see the world in black & white.
I'd also wager that you haven't even read the book, but are just basing your conclusions on this article, from a clearly biased website.

For his stats, does he take into account that more people identify themselves as conservatives? What kind of ratio are we talking about libbies give $9 for ever $10 conservatives give?

Liberals are compulsive charity organizers & donaters. I'd be really surprised if the differences between the 2 - when everything is factored in - are anything beyond negligible.

But, typical Dano - all you need is the one biased article, and behold...PROOF!
I'd also wager that you haven't even read the book, but are just basing your conclusions on this article, from a clearly biased website.
Have you read the book? I'll make you a deal: I'll read it if you do. The website would only be relevant if they gave their opinion, which they don't.
It looks very revealing and I love stats.

For his stats, does he take into account that more people identify themselves as conservatives? What kind of ratio are we talking about libbies give $9 for ever $10 conservatives give?
Liberals are compulsive charity organizers & donaters. I'd be really surprised if the differences between the 2 - when everything is factored in - are anything beyond negligible.
But, typical Dano - all you need is the one biased article, and behold...PROOF!
But it's not based on one article, it's based on MULTIPLE results of research from one book.
Why would you be so surprised? Think about what I wrote with regards to how Liberals and Conservatives perceive the role of charity - one as government's responsibility, the other as an individual responsibility or decision.
Proof that conservatives care more. Liberals need to force each other to give money because in the end they always want someone else to take care of everyone elses problems.
you'll read it if we do?


Here is what the real deal should be: that you don't QUOTE a book that you haven't read.

Now that would shut dano up permanently.

If it ain't the "Ronald McDonald guide to operating the fryolater", dano ain't read it.... but he can sure cut and paste crap from books he hasn't read...that is for DAMN sure.

Why don't you pull up some more quotes from SENATOR-ELECT Jim Webb's novels that you haven't read either???
