"Stumblin'" Trumpy!!

I almost feel guilty....LAUGHING....watching Trumpy-The-Klown stumbling-thru a statement.....when he's got no idea, what-the-fuck it is, he's taking-about!!!!!


Aw, jeez....now Trumpy's instructing people on talkin' "Mexican", correctly!!!

October 6, 2016 - "Donald Trump's attempt to show Nevadans he knows the correct pronunciation of their state's name -- a touchy local issue -- backfired on Wednesday, prompting a sharp rebuke from Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada.

"Heroin overdoses are surging and meth overdoses in Nevada," the Republican presidential nominee told a Reno crowd. Trump repeated the word, pronouncing it "ne-VAH-da."

"Nevada. And you know what I said? I said, when I came out here, I said, nobody says it the other way. It has to be Nevada, right?" Trump said.
"And if you don't say it correctly -- and it didn't happen to me, happened to a friend of mine, he was killed," indicating he was aware the state's pronunciation is of particular interest to residents."

I almost feel guilty....LAUGHING....watching Trumpy-The-Klown stumbling-thru a statement.....when he's got no idea, what-the-fuck it is, he's taking-about!!!!!

But the bald-faced Hillary Rotten Clinton lies are gospel truths in La-La Commie land, right commie dupe?
Yada, yada, yada.

Like I said before commie dupe, I'll wait while you post the evidence that I ever supported Ted Cruz. I couldn't give a fuck less about any of your fucking duopoly politicians.

You're the "LOSER" LOSER! You're a duped commie partisan hack participating in crooked rigged elections.
Like I said before commie dupe, I'll wait while you post the evidence that I ever supported Ted Cruz. I couldn't give a fuck less about any of your fucking duopoly politicians.

You're the "LOSER" LOSER! You're a duped commie partisan hack participating in crooked rigged elections.


Whine-on, lil' Teabagger...whine-on......​
The TRUTH irritates you, huh commie?

Like I said before commie dupe, I'll wait while you post the evidence that I ever supported Ted Cruz. I couldn't give a fuck less about any of your fucking duopoly politicians.

You're the "LOSER" LOSER! You're a duped commie partisan hack participating in crooked rigged elections.

The TRUTH irritates you, huh commie?

Like I said before commie dupe, I'll wait while you post the evidence that I ever supported Ted Cruz. I couldn't give a fuck less about any of your fucking duopoly politicians.

You're the "LOSER" LOSER! You're a duped commie partisan hack participating in crooked rigged elections.


Mr. Shitstainman thinks that Communism is still the better idea, even though all it brings about is abject failure wherever it's been tried.