Stupid Europeans

The EU ruling on Microsoft was a joke.

They fined Microsoft a quarter of a billion dollars because the Windows operating system DARES to bundle a media player with it - apparently, they're trying to corner the market on media players. How dare an operating system provide applications to play basic file formats like MP3s? While we're at it, consumers should also have choice in buying applications that open binaries, and the notepad application is a clear cornering on the TXT market.

BTW, Microsoft was forced to release another edition of windows because of this, the "reduced media" edition, which would be exactly the same, except it wouldn't have Windows Media Player. So far, 500 copies have been sold. Good job protecting the consumer, EU.
If they want Microsoft to lose market share, the only way to do that is to make the DLL's they use as a base to run the Windows operating system applications open source. Which would kill Windows. It would also be a major infringement on copyright law.
It's also because they don't share their source with any competitors which would allow them to play microsoft-coded multimedia.

Not that I necessarily agree with the ruling, but it's worth pointing out.
It's annoying having to re-rip your CD because you accidentally forgot to make sure it wasn't ripping in that annoying WMA format. But it is a good point.
If they want Microsoft to lose market share, the only way to do that is to make the DLL's they use as a base to run the Windows operating system applications open source. Which would kill Windows. It would also be a major infringement on copyright law.

The goal is not "make microsoft lose market share" . The goal is to allow other vendors to create compatible products.

The Non bundlind aspect is bogus though. I admit.