Stupid Morality Question


Worst gambler ever
So today, I was playing my banjo on my balcony when I noticed that a wasp flew out of my apartment and into the yonder. I got the creeps.

So he came back, flew into my apartment and then left again. So I closed the screen door, and no sooner than I did that, there was one that was trying to get out sitting there on the inside of the screen. So I pulled out my RAID and killed him. And, quite honestly, since then, I've felt guilty. I feel like I could have had a little inconvenience, and not killed him. I killed a living thing for my own convenience. Am I becoming one of you whacko leftists?
Wow, That wasp could have been your grandmother reincarnated....
Or so some might believe.
Me, I kill all the stingy things I get the chance to.

You play the banjo ? cool :)
So today, I was playing my banjo on my balcony when I noticed that a wasp flew out of my apartment and into the yonder. I got the creeps.

So he came back, flew into my apartment and then left again. So I closed the screen door, and no sooner than I did that, there was one that was trying to get out sitting there on the inside of the screen. So I pulled out my RAID and killed him. And, quite honestly, since then, I've felt guilty. I feel like I could have had a little inconvenience, and not killed him. I killed a living thing for my own convenience. Am I becoming one of you whacko leftists?
Sounds like you are becoming Buddhist to me.
Pretty soon you'll stop eating meat and all meat products.

The next step is that you'll think Michael Moore's latest movie got way too negativity and that he has a good point.

The next step is that you'll drive by war protests and simply honk your horn in support.

Eventually, you'll start organizing anti-Bush effigies.

Its all a matter of time.
Pretty soon you'll stop eating meat and all meat products.

The next step is that you'll think Michael Moore's latest movie got way too negativity and that he has a good point.

The next step is that you'll drive by war protests and simply honk your horn in support.

Eventually, you'll start organizing anti-Bush effigies.

Its all a matter of time.


He's doomed.

But, wasps, freak me. Far more than bees. So, I think I would have killed it too. If I had the guts to. More likely, I would have started screaming until some man came along to investigate. I feel, that's really what they're here for.
So today, I was playing my banjo on my balcony when I noticed that a wasp flew out of my apartment and into the yonder. I got the creeps.

So he came back, flew into my apartment and then left again. So I closed the screen door, and no sooner than I did that, there was one that was trying to get out sitting there on the inside of the screen. So I pulled out my RAID and killed him. And, quite honestly, since then, I've felt guilty. I feel like I could have had a little inconvenience, and not killed him. I killed a living thing for my own convenience. Am I becoming one of you whacko leftists?

Yeah, you're becoming a liberal.

When I find a spider in the house, I capture it and let it go outside. Spiders are cool. I can't stand the thought of squashing it ;)
I would have let the wasp go, and I really am not a "liberal". You have no fear. Don't let them attempt to convince you.
Hmm how about Snakes ? I don't kill em unless they are close to home and poison.
I just run any that might get in the basement or workshop out with a broom.
If they keep coming back I put em in a sack and relocate them.
Actually his story shows they were nto the same wasp.

He shut it after one left and another one was trying to get out.

The thing is he may have to check his house for a nest.
Actually his story shows they were nto the same wasp.

He shut it after one left and another one was trying to get out.

The thing is he may have to check his house for a nest.

Or check for another hole that the one that left flew around and back in thru.
This reminds me of a incident I still feel guilt over. One day when I was getting the mail out of the mailbox a yellow jacket stung me. It did not hurt terribly so but as anyone knows being stuck by one isn't too pleasant either. In anger I smashed the yellow jacket even though once I was aware of its position I could take care to avoid being stung again.

I was wrong to do this. I killed a creature that was no longer a threat.

That said if a yellow jacket was flying in my home I would have to kill it. It would be difficult to catch as it is a flying insect and it poses a danger to my wife and child as I do not want them to be stung.

Generally I will spare any insect or other arthropod I find in my home unless it is a mosquito, housefly, horsefly or yellow jacket. All of these animals are dangerous for different reasons.

As for you question MBL I think that you could have let the wasp escape especially if it was possible to put a solid door behind the wasp and then open the screen door so it would fly away.

Also it depends on the species. I know plenty about entomology so I know which species are dangerous and what aren't. Most wasps are not agressive and pose little threat regardless. Wasp specieis you must watch out for are hornets and yellow jackets both easily identifiable. Mud wasps which are common are very passive and only sting if provoked.

If you felt threatened I would say it is permissable to kill an insect if no other means of avoidance is possible. However we should not kill living things for convenience.
Not wanting to harm a fellow living creature is a liberal idea unless its a human fetus :p

Doesn't necessarily make you a liberal though.

Although I will say a dedication to the idea of pacifism toward humans as well as other lifeforms makes it more likely a person will be a libertarian.
Not wanting to harm an unborn child but to kill many innocent women and children with bombs and bullets is a Con thing.