Stupidity, the new Status Quo


Hare Krishna Templar
My new World Manifesto:

We the Stupid see that it is an concominant fact that we the people of Stupidity incarnate, must educate future generations to be proper stewards of the common stupid by regulating stupidity so as to minimise the constant and unending experience of stupidity against our fellow stupids enmass.

The Rat race, Circus attendees, Gambling House devotees, Propaganda mongers & soul-killers extraordinaire are the Status Quo --thus, it is encumbant that those who can think conherently for more than 8 Hours per day should display all public accounting of Financial Funds in a 24/7 Score-board.

Let those born in ignorance avoid the onslought of the Stupitity of earlier generations from mucking-up the common stupid citisen's lot in life.

Stupidity corrupts; absolute Stupidity corrupts absolutely.

Let us now embark on a new movement to codify Stupitity along with all its minor forms and thus stop future generations from being really stupid pawns in a society lead but really smart stupid leaders.

Let us start a fund to do the neccessary scientific research to reveal the true nature of Stupidity and its causes and its cure.

May God Help us in this Quest by bestowing us with more intelligence than most of our 20th Century World leaders who stupidly went along with scores of their citisen straight to hell.

Let us make Stupidity a scientific fact of life.

Let us make Stupidity a basis for legal offense.

Let us bring down our Taxes by exposing the roots of Stupidity.

Witness to the welfare of the general stupidity:

x Bhaktajan .
x P.T. Barnum
x Tabloid Editors the World Over
x Itchy and Scratchy
x Tom and Jerry

Twentieth Century Atlas - Worldwide Statistics of Casualties, Massacres, Disasters and Atrocities.

.................................................. ....................
PS: This is not a snide reference to the posters on these forums ---I am referring to a New Movement to Codify "Stupidity" as a Legal definition. But yes, the above is also written as a satire ---yet art reflects life too.
E-coli is the new watch word.

The young lads with their sagging pants/underpants are spreading e-coli every where yet all upper crust folks remain in silence ---albeit "aghast" reticence.

E-coli & mad-cow both emerge from microform/yeast/mold growths that are borne of the most famous pH unbalancing acidosis producing state of our 'internal enviroment' aka, stool contamination.

Outbreak in Europe blamed on 'super-toxic' strain

By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER - Associated Press,MARIA CHENG - Associated Press | AP – Fri, Jun 3, 2011
LONDON (AP) — Scientists on Thursday blamed Europe's worst recorded food-poisoning outbreak on a "super-toxic" strain of E. coli bacteria that may be brand new.

E. Coli, A Timely Legal Thriller
By ABIGAIL ZUGER, M.D. Published: June 27, 2011

Microbiological Data Program, Crucial E. Coli Screening For Produce, Axed By US Congress

Microbiological Data Program, Crucial E. Coli Screening For Produce, Axed By Congress
First Posted: 07/ 5/11 09:26 AM ETUpdated: 07/ 5/11 12:36 PM ET

US House Leadership Supported Massive Giveaways to Big Ag while Taking a Chainsaw to Nutrition & Food Safety

Elizabeth Kucinich: House Leadership Supported Massive Giveaways to Big Ag while Taking a Chainsaw to Nutrition & Food Safety
As US Congress returns from the July 4th Independence Day . . .

Five Long Island Beaches Closed

Updated: Saturday, 09 Jul 2011, 11:21 PM EDT

. . . five South Shore beaches were closed to bathing as a precautionary measure starting on Friday.
Officials said storm water runoff can have a negative impact by elevating bacterial levels and affecting bathing water quality.

NYC in beach sewage alert

Last Updated: 6:12 AM, July 22, 2011

Read more:

This is beyond "Felony Stupid".
Swimming Pools Are Public Toilet Bowls for Many: Survey

If you're taking a refreshing dip in a pool with four other people, odds are one of you is urinating. This is not gross-out myth, but cold, depressing fact from a recent survey conducted by the Water Quality & Health Council, a scientific research group sponsored by the American Chemistry Council.

The survey, conducted in April, asked nearly 1,000 adults whether they urinate in pools. One in five bravely admitted their mistakes. And those are the ones who admitted it.

Building's amazing balcony pools

We may act like potty-trained adults on land, but something about a body of water, even a small one, opens our natural floodgates and, according to doctors, puts us all at risk.

"No matter how easy it is to pee anonymously in the pool, swimmers should avoid doing so," says public health expert and WQHC chairman, Dr. Chris Wiant.

Video: Safety tips for summer swimming

It is easy isn't it? Maybe that's because many of us were taught as kids that chlorine counteracted any accidents. Technically, that's mostly true. If pool operators maintain proper chlorine and pH levels, most waterborne germs are killed on contact.

But 54 percent of public pools tested by the WQHC last year failed to provide the proper chlorine levels and 47 got low marks for pH balance. You can blame poor pool maintenance, but frequent urinators don't help.

"Anything foreign that gets in the pool consumes disinfectant and makes the pool less capable of catching the next bug," Dr. Wiant tells Yahoo! Shine. So while chlorine is working overtime to clean up someone's mess, it's weakened by the time more serious bacteria dives in.

That comes from the germs we carry on our body even before we get into to the water. While only one in five of us cop to peeing in the pool, seven in 10 say they don't shower before they swim. As much as a cold pre-swim shower ruins that first dip feeling, Wiant makes a good case for why it's crucial.

(You may want to stop eating lunch right now, before reading on.)

The additional bacteria we carry on skin, in particular sweat and traces of fecal matter (yes even on adults),gets mixed in the pool. "If disinfectant isn't right, bacteria is allowed to grow in pools, so someone accidentally consumes a mouthful of water like we all do when we're swimming and suddenly they're subject to serious bacteria like E.coli or salmonella."

The high risk offenders, according to the Center for Disease Control, are those water recreational parks, a dangerous combination of packs of young swimmers and lots of accidental gulps. One targeted study by Georgia's Division of Public Health found that e.Coli infected at least 26 people at one water park in the summer of 1998, ultimately resulting in one fatality. Another study found the parasite Cryptosporidium survives even well-chlorinated water parks, posing a potentially fatal threat to those with lowered immune systems.

But small private pools and large public ones are also potential health hazards, depending on how they're maintained. The CDC notes a rapid rise in gastro-intestinal illnesses borne from dirty swimming pools across the country in the past two decades.

Short of getting pool maintenance certification or sweating out an unbearable summer, what can you do?

The first step is to be a good pool Samaritan. Take it to the restroom, folks, and emphasize lots of bathroom breaks for your kids. Another important to-do: always shower before getting in the pool. If you've done your part, you still can't trust your blissfully clueless fellow swimmers.

6 signs you shouldn't swim there

To find out of your pool is safe, look for some tell-tale signs of bacteria.

"Check if you see the bottom," says Dr. Wiant. "If a pool is clear it's likely very clean and balanced, but if it's it cloudy or the sides are slimy, those are signs that bacteria is prevalent and the pool isn't filtering out germs the way it should."

Hyper-vigilant swimmers can also purchase pool test strips at any drug store and do their own scientific assessment. "They're easy to use," he adds, "just crack one open and dip it in the pool and you'll be able to tell right away if the pool is clean."

Another signal it's time to get out of the pool: burning, stinging eyes. Although it's not seriously harmful, when "urine combines with chlorine it becomes an irritant," Wiant says. So if you find yourself squinting in pain after a dive, ask yourself why that person doing the backstroke in the next lane looks so relaxed. It's not that nice of a day.
When I was a kid "Mass Bad Karma" hit like a suprise thunderstorm etc ---now there is coverage and investigations and news articlas for months leading up to the final verdict ---well he goes it goes . . .

bob's your Uncle,


Hunter-gatherer man
The human brain and its immense capacity for knowledge evolved during this long period of prehistory when we battled against the elements

Athenian man
The invention of agriculture less than 10,000 years ago and the subsequent rise of cities such as Athens relaxed the intensive natural selection of our “intelligence genes”.

Couch-potato man
As genetic mutations increase over future generations, are we doomed to watching soap-opera repeats without knowing how to use the TV remote control?

iPad man
The fruits of science and technology enabled humans to rise above the constraints of nature and cushioned our fragile intellect from genetic mutations.

Humans Are Getting Dumber And Dumber, Says Stanford Researcher Gerald Crabtree
Correct me if I am wrong here, but hasn't the American Media along with their (other) leaders alluding to Self-imposed suicide?

Has the Americans been primed and prepped for accepting the mass-self-suicide of its self ---by subtilely referring to:

Two fallen women seeking oblivion for the sins of their acts?

Has American allowed their leaders to brainwash them into accepting the REALITY that they are "Thelma & Louise-ing" themselves???

The American ...economy... is facing a self-imposed suicide plunge ---"So Please, Don't be surprised when you wake up to the re-reverse propaganda.

"Tuck and Roll boys and Girls, Mr Chamberlain is here on a Visit"

Thelma & Louise is a 1991 film … The film became a critical and commercial success, receiving six Academy Award nominations and winning one for Best Original Screenplay
"Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free"
by Charles P. Pierce

The following is the foreword to the classic Completed toward the end of the second Bush administration and published in the first year of the Obama era, it remains a defining - and wry - look at how culturally and politically much of the United States has come to value ignorance over knowledge.

The rise of Idiot America, though, is essentially a war on expertise.

It's not so much antimodernism or the distrust of the intellectual elites that Richard Hofstadter teased out of the national DNA, although both of those things are part of it.

The rise of Idiot America today reflects—for profit, mainly, but also, and more cynically, for political advantage and in the pursuit of power—the breakdown of the consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people we should trust the least are the people who know best what they're talking about.

In the new media age, everybody is a historian, or a scientist, or a preacher, or a sage. And if everyone is an expert, then nobody is, and the worst thing you can be in a society where everybody is an expert is, well, an actual expert.

This is how Idiot America engages itself. It decides, en masse, with a million keystrokes and clicks of the remote control, that because there are two sides to every question, they both must be right, or at least not wrong.

And the words of an obscure biologist carry no more weight on the subject of biology than do the thunderations of some turkeyneck preacher out of the Church of Christ's Own Parking Structure in DeLand, Florida. Less weight, in fact, because our scientist is an "expert" and, therefore, an "elitist." Nobody buys his books.

Nobody puts him on cable. He's brilliant, surely, but no different from all the rest of us, poor fool.

More Resources:

The Cult of the Amateur by Andrew Keen

The Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby

"Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free"

Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US:
Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US | Comment is free |

The Dumbing Of America:
The Dumbing Of America

A Brief History of Anti-Intellectualism in American Media | AAUP

How Anti-Intellectualism Is Destroying America | Alternet
"Stupid is as stupid does." Forrest Gump

"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley wrote in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984 Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us...This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right." Neil Postman 'Amusing Ourselves to Death'
My new World Manifesto:

We the Stupid see that it is an concominant fact that we the people of Stupidity incarnate, must educate future generations to be proper stewards of the common stupid by regulating stupidity so as to minimise the constant and unending experience of stupidity against our fellow stupids enmass.

The Rat race, Circus attendees, Gambling House devotees, Propaganda mongers & soul-killers extraordinaire are the Status Quo --thus, it is encumbant that those who can think conherently for more than 8 Hours per day should display all public accounting of Financial Funds in a 24/7 Score-board.

Let those born in ignorance avoid the onslought of the Stupitity of earlier generations from mucking-up the common stupid citisen's lot in life.

Stupidity corrupts; absolute Stupidity corrupts absolutely.

Let us now embark on a new movement to codify Stupitity along with all its minor forms and thus stop future generations from being really stupid pawns in a society lead but really smart stupid leaders.

Let us start a fund to do the neccessary scientific research to reveal the true nature of Stupidity and its causes and its cure.

May God Help us in this Quest by bestowing us with more intelligence than most of our 20th Century World leaders who stupidly went along with scores of their citisen straight to hell.

Let us make Stupidity a scientific fact of life.

Let us make Stupidity a basis for legal offense.

Let us bring down our Taxes by exposing the roots of Stupidity.

Witness to the welfare of the general stupidity:

x Bhaktajan .
x P.T. Barnum
x Tabloid Editors the World Over
x Itchy and Scratchy
x Tom and Jerry

Twentieth Century Atlas - Worldwide Statistics of Casualties, Massacres, Disasters and Atrocities.

.................................................. ....................
PS: This is not a snide reference to the posters on these forums ---I am referring to a New Movement to Codify "Stupidity" as a Legal definition. But yes, the above is also written as a satire ---yet art reflects life too.

Too many big words for the stupid to understand. If you want to reach them you have to use small words like their leader Trump does.
My new World Manifesto:

We the Stupid see that it is an concominant fact that we the people of Stupidity incarnate, must educate future generations to be proper stewards of the common stupid by regulating stupidity so as to minimise the constant and unending experience of stupidity against our fellow stupids enmass.

The Rat race, Circus attendees, Gambling House devotees, Propaganda mongers & soul-killers extraordinaire are the Status Quo --thus, it is encumbant that those who can think conherently for more than 8 Hours per day should display all public accounting of Financial Funds in a 24/7 Score-board.

Let those born in ignorance avoid the onslought of the Stupitity of earlier generations from mucking-up the common stupid citisen's lot in life.

Stupidity corrupts; absolute Stupidity corrupts absolutely.

Let us now embark on a new movement to codify Stupitity along with all its minor forms and thus stop future generations from being really stupid pawns in a society lead but really smart stupid leaders.

Let us start a fund to do the neccessary scientific research to reveal the true nature of Stupidity and its causes and its cure.

May God Help us in this Quest by bestowing us with more intelligence than most of our 20th Century World leaders who stupidly went along with scores of their citisen straight to hell.

Let us make Stupidity a scientific fact of life.

Let us make Stupidity a basis for legal offense.

Let us bring down our Taxes by exposing the roots of Stupidity.

Witness to the welfare of the general stupidity:

x Bhaktajan .
x P.T. Barnum
x Tabloid Editors the World Over
x Itchy and Scratchy
x Tom and Jerry

Twentieth Century Atlas - Worldwide Statistics of Casualties, Massacres, Disasters and Atrocities.

.................................................. ....................
PS: This is not a snide reference to the posters on these forums ---I am referring to a New Movement to Codify "Stupidity" as a Legal definition. But yes, the above is also written as a satire ---yet art reflects life too.

I see you already have a head start. :rofl2:

Well placed post in this thread ... time has proven my candidate par excellence an supra disgrace

midcan5, time will prove your candidate yea or nay ... we have to wait and see to see if your candidate is a dolt. Correct?

I will pass the time working until we will pass the same judgement in unison.

Be seeing you.
Stupidity is different from criminality?

Lawmakers in New York have begun drafting legislation that would require potential gun owners to have the past three years of their social media reviewed before they were granted permission to own a firearm.

Eric Adams, the president of Brooklyn Borough, and state Senator Kevin Palmer are currently writing the proposed legislation, which would give law enforcement authorities the power to check up to three years of an individual’s social media accounts and internet search history before they are allowed to buy a gun...

The FBI has dedicated undercover agents on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn. One example of investigators using Facebook to nab a criminal is the case of Maxi Sopo. Charged with bank fraud, and having escaped to Mexico, he was nowhere to be found until he started posting on Facebook. Although his profile was private, his list of friends was not, and through this vector, where he met a former official of the Justice Department, he was eventually caught .[78][79]

In recent years, some state and local law enforcement agencies have also begun to rely on social media websites as resources. Although obtaining records of information not shared publicly by or about site users often requires a subpoena, public pages on sites such as Facebook and MySpace offer access to personal information that can be valuable to law enforcement.[80] Police departments have reported using social media websites to assist in investigations, locate and track suspects, and monitor gang activity.[81][82]

On October 18, 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was scheduled to begin using personal information collected using social media platforms to screen immigrants arriving in the U.S. ...

If you are stupid...we will find out!
the world is fucked from world leaders adhering to the dictates of central banker backed propagandists who, like you, want to kill billions of people.

stop the hate.