Subo 'banned' from America's Got Talent

cancel2 2022

I have a lot of time for Lou Reed normally, but he is just being an arrogant prick. It is ironic though that this song is about heroin addiction.

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2010 15:45 BST by Benjamin Berry in Behind The Music


Susan Boyle was forced to pull out of a performance on ‘America's Got Talent' after Lou Reed banned her from singing his song ‘Perfect Day'.

The Scottish singer had to cancel her performance at the last minute after Reed refused to let her perform the song.

"Susan is very sensitive and is genuinely upset. This has really knocked her confidence," a source told the Daily Mail.

"She was in a car on the way to the studio when she was told the news and was totally devastated."

Susan came second on ‘Britain's Got Talent' in 2009 and was looking forward to appearing on the US version of the show.

But producers were forced to tell her Reed would not give his permission for her to sing ‘Perfect Day' as he's not a fan of her music.

Because there were only two hours left until filming was due to start, Susan and her backing singers did not have enough time to learn a new song.

She was forced to turn back to Los Angeles airport, reportedly in floods of tears.
Well there's two sides to every story and I have a sneaky hunch that the real truth is that the producers of the show didn't want to pay Reed what he charges for the use of his copyrighted material.
Lou Reed is god, he can do no wrong. Just like with Christians, if Lou Reed told me to rape a baby seal to death, I would do it without blinking, knowing I was choosing the morally correct choice. Because my morality is not based off of morality, it's based off of what an authority figure tells me to do.
I have a lot of time for Lou Reed normally, but he is just being an arrogant prick. It is ironic though that this song is about heroin addiction.

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2010 15:45 BST by Benjamin Berry in Behind The Music


Susan Boyle was forced to pull out of a performance on ‘America's Got Talent' after Lou Reed banned her from singing his song ‘Perfect Day'.

The Scottish singer had to cancel her performance at the last minute after Reed refused to let her perform the song.

"Susan is very sensitive and is genuinely upset. This has really knocked her confidence," a source told the Daily Mail.

"She was in a car on the way to the studio when she was told the news and was totally devastated."

Susan came second on ‘Britain's Got Talent' in 2009 and was looking forward to appearing on the US version of the show.

But producers were forced to tell her Reed would not give his permission for her to sing ‘Perfect Day' as he's not a fan of her music.

Because there were only two hours left until filming was due to start, Susan and her backing singers did not have enough time to learn a new song.

She was forced to turn back to Los Angeles airport, reportedly in floods of tears.
Hey, baby, take a walk on the wild side, I say, sugar, take a walk on the wild side and the color girls sing, "do da, doot, da doot...
If you were in such an important contest, wouldn't you think you would secure the legal right to sing the song BEFORE you were on your way to the studio?
Was Lou Reed even involved in the decision making process? I'd find it weird if they were directly working with Reed rather than with his publisher.
Lou Reed is god, he can do no wrong. Just like with Christians, if Lou Reed told me to rape a baby seal to death, I would do it without blinking, knowing I was choosing the morally correct choice. Because my morality is not based off of morality, it's based off of what an authority figure tells me to do.

Listen, my friend, I saw Velvet Underground a couple of times in the seventies so that ought to tell you something.
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