APP - Suburban Poverty

I'm Watermark

"The number of suburban residents living in poverty rose by nearly 64 percent between 2000 and 2011, to about 16.4 million people, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of 95 of the nation's largest metropolitan areas. That's more than double the rate of growth for urban poverty in those areas.

'I think we have an outdated perception of where poverty is and who it is affecting," said Elizabeth Kneebone, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and co-author of the research. "We tend to think of it as a very urban and a very rural phenomenon, but it is increasingly suburban.'

Simons' situation is complicated by the fact she's a single mom. Poverty and financial insecurity among single moms is far higher than for households headed by single dads or two parents.

The rate of poverty among single mothers actually improved dramatically through the 1990s, thanks to a strong economy, more favorable tax breaks and the success of so-called welfare-to-work programs. But two recessions and years of high unemployment erased many of those gains"
Why won't Obama fix it? I thought things were grand? Raise the minimum wage to $300,000 a year that will fix everything. Just have Ben BernanQE print more money
"The number of suburban residents living in poverty rose by nearly 64 percent between 2000 and 2011, to about 16.4 million people, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of 95 of the nation's largest metropolitan areas. That's more than double the rate of growth for urban poverty in those areas.

'I think we have an outdated perception of where poverty is and who it is affecting," said Elizabeth Kneebone, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and co-author of the research. "We tend to think of it as a very urban and a very rural phenomenon, but it is increasingly suburban.'

Simons' situation is complicated by the fact she's a single mom. Poverty and financial insecurity among single moms is far higher than for households headed by single dads or two parents.

The rate of poverty among single mothers actually improved dramatically through the 1990s, thanks to a strong economy, more favorable tax breaks and the success of so-called welfare-to-work programs. But two recessions and years of high unemployment erased many of those gains"

capitalism works best with high unemployment and high poverty as it keeps wages down and profits high, unfortunately for them we live in a consumer driven economy and if there is less money for the consumers to spend both lose. something the gop endorses...with lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations and higher taxes for the middle and lower classes - small wonder the nation is in the middle of a resurgence in class warfare

capitalism works best with high unemployment and high poverty as it keeps wages down and profits high, unfortunately for them we live in a consumer driven economy and if there is less money for the consumers to spend both lose. something the gop endorses...with lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations and higher taxes for the middle and lower classes - small wonder the nation is in the middle of a resurgence in class warfare


Yes, I agree with you. But resurgence? Class warfare has always been present, it's just reaching it's apex. Which I hope will lead to retaliation from the oppressed - and the end of capitalism. It's wishful thinking, but not unrealistic.
Yes, I agree with you. But resurgence? Class warfare has always been present, it's just reaching it's apex. Which I hope will lead to retaliation from the oppressed - and the end of capitalism. It's wishful thinking, but not unrealistic.


be careful what you wish for, i used to be an anarchist until i saw the error of my ways

i do think we both want a better government

i am tired of the repugs lack of compromise with the dims though

oh well

i am tired of the repugs lack of compromise with the dims though

oh well

Compromise for a Democrat means they ask for another trillion in spending and the Republicans only agree to 99% of it.

How about this for a compromise: As a Conservative, I propose to eliminate all federal agencies that perform functions not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. I'd be happy to compromise with liberals half way on this.

be careful what you wish for, i used to be an anarchist until i saw the error of my ways

i do think we both want a better government

i am tired of the repugs lack of compromise with the dims though

oh well

I see little error in left anarchism. they're generally pretty verbose, but they're such kind, good hearted people - of an ideology that recognizes the extent of human suffering, and dares to pose a solution. i'm more of a market DemSoc, but i embrace anarchist morality in it's wholeness.

what caused the switch for you?
I see little error in left anarchism. they're generally pretty verbose, but they're such kind, good hearted people - of an ideology that recognizes the extent of human suffering, and dares to pose a solution. i'm more of a market DemSoc, but i embrace anarchist morality in it's wholeness.

what caused the switch for you?

i came to the conclusion that neither true communism nor anarchy are viable in our crowded world

perhaps you would be happier living in Jainism society, there is a large colony in India
capitalism works best with high unemployment and high poverty as it keeps wages down and profits high, unfortunately for them we live in a consumer driven economy and if there is less money for the consumers to spend both lose. something the gop endorses...with lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations and higher taxes for the middle and lower classes - small wonder the nation is in the middle of a resurgence in class warfare


What higher taxes on the middle and lower classes would you be referring to?
What higher taxes on the middle and lower classes would you be referring to?

higher payroll taxes for medicare and social security along with a higher retirement age are on the horizon

of course along with raising taxes on the wealthy i expect that the upper limit for medicare and social security taxes will go away

also, if the repugs had had their way, there would be higher taxes not only on the middle class, but also on the working poor...ala the ryan budget
Funny thing about the SS tax - it was lower on the middle/lower classes under the Republicans.

proof have you?

besides, the repugs have never liked ss and underfunded it whenever possible

i do wonder if the congress critters have ever heard of actuarial tables, like the ones the insurance companies use

oh well
proof have you?

besides, the repugs have never liked ss and underfunded it whenever possible

i do wonder if the congress critters have ever heard of actuarial tables, like the ones the insurance companies use

oh well

Provide proof the GOP underfunded Social Security. That is nonsense. It is funded by law through payroll taxes. Your claim is sheer nonsense