Subway election


New member
It's a bummer, since we really need some serious healing & a real leader after the Bush years, but once again, we're gonna get stuck with a "lesser of 2 evils" election:

I just don't see anyone stopping either Hillary or Rudy; Gore is not going to enter the race, and Thompson is a pipe dream for conservatives. I can't believe what's happened to Romney!

What a drag...
It's a bummer, since we really need some serious healing & a real leader after the Bush years, but once again, we're gonna get stuck with a "lesser of 2 evils" election:

I just don't see anyone stopping either Hillary or Rudy; Gore is not going to enter the race, and Thompson is a pipe dream for conservatives. I can't believe what's happened to Romney!

What a drag...

Onceler, these are national figures though right?

You might still see some big surprised in the early primary states, and that could change everything.
So you think she is going to go with Edwards too?
After watching the debates and the way that they interact I am almost positive of it. I was joking earlier when I said he wasn't going to be. Plus I think Obama would look at perception of VP's that become President and would refuse anyway.
After watching the debates and the way that they interact I am almost positive of it. I was joking earlier when I said he wasn't going to be. Plus I think Obama would look at perception of VP's that become President and would refuse anyway.

That's exactly what I said! (about their interaction).

Yeah, I think that's a done deal. But, I still think that you never know, there could be an early upset in a primary state.
Onceler, these are national figures though right?

You might still see some big surprised in the early primary states, and that could change everything.

They are national #'s, and I know that Edwards is doing well in the early primary states, but at a certain point, I think it just becomes more of an inevitabilty factor, and that will affect the primary voters as we get closer. Also, if the gap stays where it is, I'm not sure if an upset win in OH or NH will mean what it used to.

I'm kind of losing hope; I just can't see Edwards pulling it off (or Obama, for that matter...)
They are national #'s, and I know that Edwards is doing well in the early primary states, but at a certain point, I think it just becomes more of an inevitabilty factor, and that will affect the primary voters as we get closer. Also, if the gap stays where it is, I'm not sure if an upset win in OH or NH will mean what it used to.

I'm kind of losing hope; I just can't see Edwards pulling it off (or Obama, for that matter...)

You are right, and it is becoming more unlikely. I still haven't given up hope though.
It's a bummer, since we really need some serious healing & a real leader after the Bush years, but once again, we're gonna get stuck with a "lesser of 2 evils" election:

I just don't see anyone stopping either Hillary or Rudy; Gore is not going to enter the race, and Thompson is a pipe dream for conservatives. I can't believe what's happened to Romney!

What a drag...

Calm down.

Its way too early to run up the white flag. ;)
Calm down.

Its way too early to run up the white flag. ;)

I know; it's just my personality. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than sadly disappointed.

The trends just aren't good; Hillary is solidifying a pretty good lead, while Edwards & Obama get painted with the media's wildly inaccurate brush. I've seen it happen so many times.

And what's up w/ that, anyway? Both Obama & Edwards have been hammered in the press over the past month or so, while Hillary has gotten a free ride by comparison. It's weird...
I know; it's just my personality. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than sadly disappointed.

The trends just aren't good; Hillary is solidifying a pretty good lead, while Edwards & Obama get painted with the media's wildly inaccurate brush. I've seen it happen so many times.

And what's up w/ that, anyway? Both Obama & Edwards have been hammered in the press over the past month or so, while Hillary has gotten a free ride by comparison. It's weird...

Its still all name recognition, man.

Hillary has been impressive in the debates. But, outside of a few hundred thousand activists, who's really paying attention to those debates?
Oh, Lorax, one other thing: The MSM doesn't like Edwards. I agree with you. He's not "their" guy - he's not getting much in the way of support from the Wall Street boys, or the establishment money.
It appears Rudy/Thompson, Clinton/Edwards...

This is my guess at this point.

Do you really think Edwards would go for VP again? I doubt it, I kind of think its more likely Clinton/Richardson or Obama.

I also dont think it will be Rudy on the Repug side... More likely an outsider/darkhorse or Thompson.

Clearly the Dems are going with Senator Clinton.
Do you really think Edwards would go for VP again? I doubt it, I kind of think its more likely Clinton/Richardson or Obama.

I also dont think it will be Rudy on the Repug side... More likely an outsider/darkhorse or Thompson.

Clearly the Dems are going with Senator Clinton.
I don't think it will be Obama, too many "firsts" on one ticket. I don't think it will be Richardson unless it is believed he can bring in that kind of cash, I doubt that. Edwards is about the only real option, and as I said, the way that they interact tells me there is something there.
I don't think it will be Obama, too many "firsts" on one ticket. I don't think it will be Richardson unless it is believed he can bring in that kind of cash, I doubt that. Edwards is about the only real option, and as I said, the way that they interact tells me there is something there.

I just dont think he would go for 2nd again...

Maybe someone who is not currently running, like Dean or someone like that.
I agree Jarod.

It would be highly unusual, perhaps unprecedented, to have a VP who lost the previous election, to be put on the VP slot again.
After watching the debates and the way that they interact I am almost positive of it. I was joking earlier when I said he wasn't going to be. Plus I think Obama would look at perception of VP's that become President and would refuse anyway.

Obama's not going to walk away from making history and it immediately solves his "inexperience" problem.

Clinton/Edwards is far more beatable then Clinton/Obama .. in fact, it's an unbeatable ticket. Both of them have more money that all of the republicans and it would send an enegized electorate running to the polls. Obama gives balance to an edgy suspect Clinton.

I'm getting the impression that some of the tension between them is contrived.

Edwards already had his shot at VP and him on the ticket would be too close to a failed run.
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I think Clinton/Obama is more likely than Clinton/Edwards.

Senator Clinton will piss the black people off so badly beating Obama she will almost have to pick him as VP.

Are you all so sure Rudy will be the Republican Nominee? Remember he is Pro-Choice and very liberal on many social issues.

I think Thompson is likely to get the nomination. I dont belive either one beats Senator Clinton, but Ive been wrong in the past two elections.