Success! The hyper quantum super computer finally found a drug EPICURUS WONT TRY!

if anyone reads the link they will see that snopes themselves don't deny jenkem, only that a bulliten being circulated was the hoax. Jenkem is in fact very real, as usual watermark the EMO RETARD falls flat on his face like the stupid southerner he is. EPIC PWN.
I think its not good shit but shit gone bad.

wow that is sick shit.

Id have to eat peyote buttons to be high enough to try it.

I think Ill pass.
If you let it ferment in a bag and then just opened up and inhaled it, I imagine the noxious gases in there could have an effect simialar to any other inhalant. But like any other inhalant, it wouldn't be that strong, and if you want to do inhalants why the hell would ANYONE do this? I can imagine it in some shithole third world country (almost but not totally, I'm still not sure it's practiced at all), but it certainly doesn't happen in America.
They do this a lot in Africa and South America. I've always heard rumors about it here in the US and I've seen people talk about watching people do it, but I never really believed it. When people are desperate enough they'll try about anything, but I haven't ever run across anything like that in my personal experience.

People will smoke nutmeg in place of marijuana sometimes, which is a thoroughly unpleasant and even painful experience. So you never know what some people will be willing to do to get high.
They do this a lot in Africa and South America. I've always heard rumors about it here in the US and I've seen people talk about watching people do it, but I never really believed it. When people are desperate enough they'll try about anything, but I haven't ever run across anything like that in my personal experience.

People will smoke nutmeg in place of marijuana sometimes, which is a thoroughly unpleasant and even painful experience. So you never know what some people will be willing to do to get high.

Isn't nutmeg supposed to have aphrodisiac qualities?
Here are some accounts I found about use and effect:

Taken in high doses, nutmeg can be quite intoxicating, partly because it's similar in chemical makeup to MDMA. Nutmeg causes symptoms such as stupor, drowsiness, delirium and sleep. Many prison inmates have known about it and used it for years, which is why most prisons have banned the use of this spice! About 14 grams (two tablespoons) taken by mouth cause a rather unpleasant, dreamlike "trip". Other symptoms include a rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, and thirst. Agitation, apprehension, and a sense of impending doom may last about 12 hours, with a sense of unreality persisting for several days. Nutmeg contains five to 15 per cent myrista oil, which is responsible for the physical effects. About four per cent is Myristicin, which is structurally similar to mescaline. (Mace, the exterior covering of the Nutmeg seed, also contains the hallucinogenic compound myristicin). Elemicin is another potent psychoactive ingredient in nutmeg. Similar to SSRI antidepressants such as Prozac, Myristicin blocks the release of serotonin from brain neurones. Scientists believe that once the substance enters the body it's converted to methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) -- ecstasy.

I guess you could call me a nutmeg person. I have taken it around 10 or 11 times in the last year and love it. At first, I only take about a tablespoon or so at about 11:30 am. then i wait till about 6 or 7 pm and the drug starts to kick in. The first few times you try it, the effects are a little like being drunk or "almost" high on weed. Then after about 3 or 4 times using it you will start to be able to trip hard, ive even seen shit. Now when i take it, it only takes about 3 to 4 hours to kick in and i trip like a motherfucker, i now prefer it over weed even. Only problem is that you have to plan yoru day around it. Dont take it past 1:30 pm and be prepared to feel it for a little bit the next day. peace.
" Nutmeg causes symptoms such as stupor, drowsiness, delirium and sleep. Many prison inmates have known about it and used it for years, which is why most prisons have banned the use of this spice! About 14 grams (two tablespoons) taken by mouth cause a rather unpleasant, dreamlike "trip". Other symptoms include a rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, and thirst. Agitation, apprehension, and a sense of impending doom"

Why would anyone want to feel any of those things? I especially like the "sense of impending doom". Oh, wow, that is tempting.
" Nutmeg causes symptoms such as stupor, drowsiness, delirium and sleep. Many prison inmates have known about it and used it for years, which is why most prisons have banned the use of this spice! About 14 grams (two tablespoons) taken by mouth cause a rather unpleasant, dreamlike "trip". Other symptoms include a rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, and thirst. Agitation, apprehension, and a sense of impending doom"

Why would anyone want to feel any of those things? I especially like the "sense of impending doom". Oh, wow, that is tempting.

LOL yeah nothing helps me unwind more after a long day than a sense of impending doom.
Here are some accounts I found about use and effect:

Taken in high doses, nutmeg can be quite intoxicating, partly because it's similar in chemical makeup to MDMA. Nutmeg causes symptoms such as stupor, drowsiness, delirium and sleep. Many prison inmates have known about it and used it for years, which is why most prisons have banned the use of this spice! About 14 grams (two tablespoons) taken by mouth cause a rather unpleasant, dreamlike "trip". Other symptoms include a rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, and thirst. Agitation, apprehension, and a sense of impending doom may last about 12 hours, with a sense of unreality persisting for several days. Nutmeg contains five to 15 per cent myrista oil, which is responsible for the physical effects. About four per cent is Myristicin, which is structurally similar to mescaline. (Mace, the exterior covering of the Nutmeg seed, also contains the hallucinogenic compound myristicin). Elemicin is another potent psychoactive ingredient in nutmeg. Similar to SSRI antidepressants such as Prozac, Myristicin blocks the release of serotonin from brain neurones. Scientists believe that once the substance enters the body it's converted to methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) -- ecstasy.

I guess you could call me a nutmeg person. I have taken it around 10 or 11 times in the last year and love it. At first, I only take about a tablespoon or so at about 11:30 am. then i wait till about 6 or 7 pm and the drug starts to kick in. The first few times you try it, the effects are a little like being drunk or "almost" high on weed. Then after about 3 or 4 times using it you will start to be able to trip hard, ive even seen shit. Now when i take it, it only takes about 3 to 4 hours to kick in and i trip like a motherfucker, i now prefer it over weed even. Only problem is that you have to plan yoru day around it. Dont take it past 1:30 pm and be prepared to feel it for a little bit the next day. peace.

Wow. And here I've just been sprinkling it in muffins and apple pie. :p

What they said about SSRIs, though, is incorrect. MDMA and the SSRIs block serotonin reuptake into neuron terminals, not release. In this manner they functionally increase the amount of serotonin available for binding to receptors on the connecting cells.

I just saw a notice about potential harmful longterm effects of Prozac and other SSRIs; will have to go have another look and perhaps go to the seminar. I'll let you know.
I once read that they call Tardive Disynkis. OH, that's spelled horribly wrong. It's the thing that major antipsychotics cause. It's random uncontrollable movements. I thought it was weird, since it's never listed as a side effect.
I once read that they call Tardive Disynkis. OH, that's spelled horribly wrong. It's the thing that major antipsychotics cause. It's random uncontrollable movements. I thought it was weird, since it's never listed as a side effect.

Tardive Dyskinesia. Just think kinetics, or kinesia, and add the dys to denote malfunction.

The earlier generation antipsychotics (chlorpromazine and haloperidol) did have extrapyramidal side effects (uncontrollable movements) that led to TD after prolonged use. This represented a change in dopamine receptors in the striatum in the brain, and was irreversible.

The newer antipsychotics, beginning with clozapine, were more selective and no longer affected the motor systems, but brought with them newer, equally insidious side effects including blood dyscrasias. Current research is underway to eliminate all the identified side effects and enhance the therapeutic effects of these drugs.
Tardive Dyskinesia. Just think kinetics, or kinesia, and add the dys to denote malfunction.

The earlier generation antipsychotics (chlorpromazine and haloperidol) did have extrapyramidal side effects (uncontrollable movements) that led to TD after prolonged use. This represented a change in dopamine receptors in the striatum in the brain, and was irreversible.

The newer antipsychotics, beginning with clozapine, were more selective and no longer affected the motor systems, but brought with them newer, equally insidious side effects including blood dyscrasias. Current research is underway to eliminate all the identified side effects and enhance the therapeutic effects of these drugs.

Well I just looked up my source, and at the top it says "natural medicine".


So maybe it's not so reliable.