Suck It, Jesus!


"Suck it, Jesus, this award is my God now!"

Not all that funny, all by its lonesome, in a vacuum. But in context, it cracks me up.

I've never paid attention to Kathy Griffin before but, tonight, I'm watching her on Bravo. This woman is funny. Really funny. She's my hero now. :)

Go Kathy!
I've always liked her. She is funny, and she also cannot be intimidated. Have you seen her go up against right wing men? She's great.
"Suck it, Jesus, this award is my God now!"

Not all that funny, all by its lonesome, in a vacuum. But in context, it cracks me up.

I've never paid attention to Kathy Griffin before but, tonight, I'm watching her on Bravo. This woman is funny. Really funny. She's my hero now. :)

Go Kathy!

I read about this and have never seen her before and it was my reaction that I too, had to watch her!