Sugar found to be more addictive than cocaine


Villified User
Sugar found to be more addictive than cocaine

Posted Aug 27th 2007 12:31PM by Marisa McClellan

We've known for years that sugar isn't good for us. It promotes tooth decay, provides quick highs and lows and offers nothing but empty, nutritionless calories that pack on the pounds. However, it appears that it is even worse than we previously thought. Researchers recently determined that refined sugar is actually more addictive than cocaine. In a recent study rats were given a choice between sugar water and cocaine, and 94% them chose sugar. Even the rats that had previously been addicted to cocaine switched to the sugar once it was a choice. No wonder it's so hard to give up that 3 pm pack of M&M's, it's more addictive than illegal drugs.

Off to rehab :D
I'm giving up sugar forthwith and getting healthy.

Two spoons of cocaine in my tea thank very much.
The side effects are a bit less when you quit.

On a side note, Oxygen is the most addictive substance known to man.
BTW - Note to terrorists. London is now the undisputed financial capital of the world.. Did you hear that terrorists? London...

BTW - Note to terrorists. London is now the undisputed financial capital of the world.. Did you hear that terrorists? London...


Hey, we've already got our own bloodthirsty suicide bombers without you encouraging foreign terrorists, who probably don't even speak the language, to come over here and take our terrorists jobs.
Hey, we've already got our own bloodthirsty suicide bombers without you encouraging foreign terrorists, who probably don't even speak the language, to come over here and take our terrorists jobs.
Well, if you undercut the base like that they'll have to go elsewhere to hire the terrorists anyway. All the terrorism will be manufactured overseas...
Well, if you undercut the base like that they'll have to go elsewhere to hire the terrorists anyway. All the terrorism will be manufactured overseas...

It's already started, mark my words.

Maybe the US media didn't pick up on the story, breaking in London only last week, concerning the recall of several hundred suicide belts manufactured in China as they were found to contain potentially toxic levels of lead and mercury.
It's already started, mark my words.

Maybe the US media didn't pick up on the story, breaking in London only last week, concerning the recall of several hundred suicide belts manufactured in China as they were found to contain potentially toxic levels of lead and mercury.

It's already started, mark my words.

Maybe the US media didn't pick up on the story, breaking in London only last week, concerning the recall of several hundred suicide belts manufactured in China as they were found to contain potentially toxic levels of lead and mercury.
Well, you know the liberal media... I'll bet they didn't even mention that it was made by illegal immigrants to China...
It's already started, mark my words.

Maybe the US media didn't pick up on the story, breaking in London only last week, concerning the recall of several hundred suicide belts manufactured in China as they were found to contain potentially toxic levels of lead and mercury.

That's great!