Suggestion to fix California's government


You guys know I'm the preeminent political engineer in the US. So I'm just going to come down to the level of the proles and tell you guys what needs to happen to make this ungovernable state governable again. You can thank me later (preferably in unmarked bills):

1. Have the legislature appoint the governer, and abolish any stupid supermajority requirements it has, besides ones relating to the constitution.

2. Abolish the referendum system, and all laws that have been passed from it.

3. Have the supreme court elected by lower court judges for life, only removable upon impeachment. Lower court judges appoitned by the legislature

That about eliminates all conservatism from the system, and results in a 300% better California.
You guys know I'm the preeminent political engineer in the US. So I'm just going to come down to the level of the proles and tell you guys what needs to happen to make this ungovernable state governable again. You can thank me later (preferably in unmarked bills):

1. Have the legislature appoint the governer, and abolish any stupid supermajority requirements it has, besides ones relating to the constitution.

2. Abolish the referendum system, and all laws that have been passed from it.

3. Have the supreme court elected by lower court judges for life, only removable upon impeachment. Lower court judges appoitned by the legislature

That about eliminates all conservatism from the system, and results in a 300% better California.

Get rid of the Democratic legislature. They have always been the problem.
You guys know I'm the preeminent political engineer in the US. So I'm just going to come down to the level of the proles and tell you guys what needs to happen to make this ungovernable state governable again. You can thank me later (preferably in unmarked bills):

1. Have the legislature appoint the governer, and abolish any stupid supermajority requirements it has, besides ones relating to the constitution.

2. Abolish the referendum system, and all laws that have been passed from it.

3. Have the supreme court elected by lower court judges for life, only removable upon impeachment. Lower court judges appoitned by the legislature

That about eliminates all conservatism from the system, and results in a 300% better California.

i'm sorry, i stopped reading after this due to uncontrollable laughter.....did you say something?

fyi.....its governOr :)
TE=Watermark;530046]You guys know I'm the preeminent political engineer in the US. So I'm just going to come down to the level of the proles and tell you guys what needs to happen to make this ungovernable state governable again. You can thank me later (preferably in unmarked bills):

yes oh holy great one....thy bills are coming....

1. Have the legislature appoint the governer, and abolish any stupid supermajority requirements it has, besides ones relating to the constitution.

so you then also support this for the president....especially when a conservative base is in majority.....

2. Abolish the referendum system, and all laws that have been passed from it.

so then we should just do it the federal way...seriously....what is wrong with that system?

3. Have the supreme court elected by lower court judges for life, only removable upon impeachment. Lower court judges appoitned by the legislature

wtf.....have judges electing other judges.....yeah...what a great idea....right up there with congress having the power to vote themselves raises.....

That about eliminates all conservatism from the system, and results in a 300% better California.

???? i hope this thread is a joke....else you're the twin of DNC