

All organizations that seriously say that using contraception at all is sinful and evil should be shut down and have their properties sold off. All their priests should be brought to trial for crimes against humanity, and shot. All the proceeds from sale of their assets should go to scientific research.
All organizations that seriously say that using contraception at all is sinful and evil should be shut down and have their properties sold off. All their priests should be brought to trial for crimes against humanity, and shot. All the proceeds from sale of their assets should go to scientific research.

I have a better suggestion. We have a test to determine your genetic worth and if you fail, you die so you cannot produce offspring that will ruin our gene pool. And yes, so there's no confusion, I am talking only about you.
I have a better suggestion. We have a test to determine your genetic worth and if you fail, you die so you cannot produce offspring that will ruin our gene pool. And yes, so there's no confusion, I am talking only about you.

Or just bring back secret sterilization. The Nazis used radiation. They'd bring jews into a waiting room to fill out a medical form then by the time they were done two or three minutes later, their ovaries and testies would be toasted and they'd be sterile.

This should be implemented in every public facility in the south.
All organizations that seriously say that using contraception at all is sinful and evil should be shut down and have their properties sold off. All their priests should be brought to trial for crimes against humanity, and shot. All the proceeds from sale of their assets should go to scientific research.

You should be tied to a rock and small animals should be allowed to consume your body.