SUPER-WOKE Facebook in big trouble. Entering DEATH SPIRAL

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
The stock was 384 a year ago and now it's at 140!!! The public knows it's anti free speech and totally supports the fascist democrat party. China is paying FB to help destroy america.

sep 29 2022 A year ago, before Facebook had turned Meta, the social media company was sporting a market cap of $1 trillion, putting it in rarefied territory with a handful of U.S. technology giants.

Today the view looks much different. Meta has lost about two-thirds of its value since peaking in September 2021. The stock is trading at its lowest since January 2019 and is about to close out its third straight quarter of double-digit percentage losses. Only four stocks in the S&P 500 are having a worse year.

Facebook's business was built on network effects — users brought their friends and family members, who told their colleagues, who invited their buddies. Suddenly everyone was convening in one place. Advertisers followed, and the company's ensuing profits — and they were plentiful — provided the capital to recruit the best and brightest engineers to keep the cycle going.

But in 2022, the cycle has reversed. Users are jumping ship and advertisers are reducing their spending, leaving Meta poised to report its second straight drop in quarterly revenue. Businesses are removing Facebook's once-ubiquitous social login button from their websites. Recruiting is an emerging challenge, especially as founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg spends much of his time proselytizing the metaverse, which may be the company's future but accounts for virtually none of its near-term revenue and is costing billions of dollars a year to build.
FAcebook (META) and twitter get a lot of talk about how important they are but neither stock has done particularly well as investments since they went public 8-10 years. Twitter hit 70 shortly after it went public in 2013 and now it's at 45.
It's always fascinating when young people see technology and. platforms that rise, hit their peak and then fade. You clearly aren't old enough to understand that things like this wax and wane (get bigger and then get smaller).

Kodak is a good example. At one point they were essentially "photography" for America. Now they aren't worth much and they dropped the ball on the digital print revolution.

Things happen.

It's not like FB was going to last forever. Maybe "Truth Social" will work out for all y'all!
It's always fascinating when young people see technology and. platforms that rise, hit their peak and then fade. You clearly aren't old enough to understand that things like this wax and wane (get bigger and then get smaller).

Kodak is a good example. At one point they were essentially "photography" for America. Now they aren't worth much and they dropped the ball on the digital print revolution.

Things happen.

It's not like FB was going to last forever. Maybe "Truth Social" will work out for all y'all!

Zuk was trying to innovate with the Meta but that fell flat on its face.

The best thing he could do to save the franchise is to have it automatically organize pictures of grandkids and pets to rope in the retired crowd. Or add porn. But those are probably mutually exclusive.
I wonder how much even the WOKE want to be at a place where they cant deny the reality that lies are being promoted.

Anything that gets in the way of the fantasy registers as pain to these Regressives.
Facebook will survive because their real source of income is from the chinese govt. They pay FB to support programs like DIVERSITY and illegal aliens that will destroy the West.
The stock was 384 a year ago and now it's at 140!!! The public knows it's anti free speech and totally supports the fascist democrat party. China is paying FB to help destroy america.

Let all Social Media burn. Trump won't mind. It's not like it's his first bankruptcy. LOL
Is Truth Social another of Trump’s bungled businesses?
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Zuk was trying to innovate with the Meta but that fell flat on its face.

The best thing he could do to save the franchise is to have it automatically organize pictures of grandkids and pets to rope in the retired crowd. Or add porn. But those are probably mutually exclusive.

Yeah, FB has definitely entered the "desperation" phase of corporate growth. He's developed a concept that, in the world of the internet, only had a few years' shelf life and now it's mostly us oldsters using FB. The whole "meta" thing just felt like Second Life warmed over. Maybe some day in the distant future that sort of alternate reality will actually be a compelling proposition, but right now it just smells of desperate thirst on Zuck's part.
Yeah, FB has definitely entered the "desperation" phase of corporate growth. He's developed a concept that, in the world of the internet, only had a few years' shelf life and now it's mostly us oldsters using FB. The whole "meta" thing just felt like Second Life warmed over. Maybe some day in the distant future that sort of alternate reality will actually be a compelling proposition, but right now it just smells of desperate thirst on Zuck's part.

I dont think meta will ever be a thing.

but I'm always glad to see pictures of my granddaughter or granddog.