Superbowl Commercials


Staff member
Doritos OWNED the day.

And the Tebow ad, being so innocuous OWNED too. They got a TON of free advertising from the "It will destroy young women if they hear that message!" crowd...

What was your favorite ad?
I found the commercials to be very LAME this year for some reason. Nothing really jumped out at me as THE best, because most of them were totally stupid. I'm sitting there thinking.... You spent enough on this particular ad for most Americans to retire on, for THAT???
Doritos OWNED the day.

And the Tebow ad, being so innocuous OWNED too. They got a TON of free advertising from the "It will destroy young women if they hear that message!" crowd...

What was your favorite ad?

The Doritos ad with the dog with the bark/shock collar. Aren't you surprised? :p
Doritos OWNED the day.

And the Tebow ad, being so innocuous OWNED too. They got a TON of free advertising from the "It will destroy young women if they hear that message!" crowd...

What was your favorite ad?
I agree. Doritos Ruled! "Keep your eyes off my mom and your hands off my doritos!"
The Google ad was kinda random, and quite frankly, boring.

Audi still takes the award for worst commercial ever. What kind of moron in the world of advertising thought that fascism would make a good marketing tool?