Superbowl Party...

I think you're right usc. I had absolutely no interest in watching the SB last night. I watched imitation of life and Beaches instead.

Great flix!
That's the rumor going around the office today. I hear the whole thing was blahzay.
It was relatively sucky. There were about three commercials that I thought were funny. Then, the cameramen didn't prepare for the rain, half of the shots were out of focus because there were raindrops on the lenses of the cameras...

That was one boring superbowl.
It did not bore me one bit.
hey saw a new commercial today. Sprint: re: Connectile disfunction...
Pretty good watch for it.
I just caught part of it. I guess if your connection is up for over 4 hours you must be using Sprint ?
Really? Maybe I should enlist some freemasons then. Tell me, do you guys burn cats too?
Well, because we control the entire planet through Israel, we are waiting until we can force our puppets to pass a law allowing baby burning before we actually begin in earnest. Right now we only burn cats, so send them all over...
well, if you burn cats, I'd say you can't be all bad then. I may have to take you up on your offer.
Nope, this is the second time I had watched it. It does cover why in our early history why the Freemasons fell from popular favor though.
There is quite a storied history. I think I watched that same program before. It was a relatively good one.
the best part of the superbowl was that it poured rain the whole time.

The NFL tries to justify only holding the Superbowl in "good weather locations."

I did enjoy the actual game as well, but I am a football freak and knew it was my last chance to see a game until next season. That and the alcohol consumption was high.

Oh I have been to a few superbowl parties back when it first started. Funny...never watched a game though....