Superficial Constitution Fellators.....


1960s Chick Magnet
...only want to talk about "rights" and "freedoms."

The MAIN PURPOSE of our constitution was to provide for us a form of government.

It provided what is now the most stupid and inefficient form of government in the free world [while and if we're still considered part of that.]

Rights and freedoms are one thing, although I'm not sure that providing them to deficient mutants like trumpanzees is a good idea.

Our form of government itself is catastrophic.

Illiterate rural reactionaries are wildly over-represented, and we can see the catastrophic result.

The most egregious constitution fellators don't even understand what the constitution's primary purpose was.
If they're too hopelessly stupid to understand that, they're also too pathetically stupid to reasonably evaluate what the constitution did, or more accurately didn't, accomplish.
...only want to talk about "rights" and "freedoms."

The MAIN PURPOSE of our constitution was to provide for us a form of government.
the MAIN PURPOSE of that government being to protect our rights.

It provided what is now the most stupid and inefficient form of government in the free world [while and if we're still considered part of that.]
wrong. It was ignoring the limits of that very constitution which has caused the division and inefficiency of government
I would enjoy this forum a lot more if participation were restricted to other people with at least a three digit IQ.
That precludes trumpanzees and libertarians alike.

The so-called First Amendment lets you spout your stupid drivel without getting arrested.
That's its only purpose.
It doesn't guarantee you access to any non publicly owned forum,
so you needn't be allowed on JPP.

Clean up your act, Mods.
I would enjoy this forum a lot more if participation were restricted to other people with at least a three digit IQ.
That precludes trumpanzees and libertarians alike.

The so-called First Amendment lets you spout your stupid drivel without getting arrested.
That's its only purpose.
It doesn't guarantee you access to any non publicly owned forum,
so you needn't be allowed on JPP.

Clean up your act, Mods.

and yet you're still allowed to post here, despite your incredible lack of historical knowledge regarding the US Constitution............go figure
...only want to talk about "rights" and "freedoms."

The MAIN PURPOSE of our constitution was to provide for us a form of government.

It provided what is now the most stupid and inefficient form of government in the free world [while and if we're still considered part of that.]

Rights and freedoms are one thing, although I'm not sure that providing them to deficient mutants like trumpanzees is a good idea.

Our form of government itself is catastrophic.

Illiterate rural reactionaries are wildly over-represented, and we can see the catastrophic result.

The most egregious constitution fellators don't even understand what the constitution's primary purpose was.
If they're too hopelessly stupid to understand that, they're also too pathetically stupid to reasonably evaluate what the constitution did, or more accurately didn't, accomplish.

If it was followed better, Americans would be much more free.

I'm sure your pinheaded self doesn't grasp the concept of inalienable God-given rights.

All people have them, but our FF put it down in writing.
There's no avoiding civil war. There's no reason for cities to continue giving rural states a free ride.

No federal dollars should go to states without a state tax.
A state needs to have a population of 5 million before they can elect a senator.
Any state that cannot support itself will be annexed by a neighboring state.
I would enjoy this forum a lot more if participation were restricted to other people with at least a three digit IQ.
That precludes trumpanzees and libertarians alike.

The so-called First Amendment lets you spout your stupid drivel without getting arrested.
That's its only purpose.
It doesn't guarantee you access to any non publicly owned forum,
so you needn't be allowed on JPP.

Clean up your act, Mods.

Guys,....I hope you all know this is just some kind of a put on. It has to be as very few people are stupid enuff to speak this way publicly. Either that or somebody needs to call the booby hatch patrol to collect this guy up because he's gone full blown deep end. All this because the idiot can see the hand writing on the wall. Nifty VERY stupidly thought that just because the D's are in the white House and have both chambers that they would be able to ram thru anything they wanted. He is finding out that they cant. He is also finding out that things are going to be VERY different than what he had dreamed....:cool: So,.....this is what you end up with. A bitter old fool who is smart enuff to see that his side of the political aisle is soon to take a GIANT FUCKING and he cant handle it so he calls for civil war and the use of American troops against its own people. Get real fool,.....your side would get their sorry asses beat down faster than a rabbit gets fucked....
...only want to talk about "rights" and "freedoms."

The MAIN PURPOSE of our constitution was to provide for us a form of government.

It provided what is now the most stupid and inefficient form of government in the free world [while and if we're still considered part of that.]

Rights and freedoms are one thing, although I'm not sure that providing them to deficient mutants like trumpanzees is a good idea.

Our form of government itself is catastrophic.

Illiterate rural reactionaries are wildly over-represented, and we can see the catastrophic result.

The most egregious constitution fellators don't even understand what the constitution's primary purpose was.
If they're too hopelessly stupid to understand that, they're also too pathetically stupid to reasonably evaluate what the constitution did, or more accurately didn't, accomplish.

Cry like the bitch you are. Not only will we drink your tears,.....we will piss those same tears out all over you when were done. Tic tic tic tic.........;)
the MAIN PURPOSE of that government being to protect our rights.

wrong. It was ignoring the limits of that very constitution which has caused the division and inefficiency of government

The leftist cunts don't give a shit about your rights. They want to wrap their shut up in the constitution now. They have always claimed the constitution is a "living breathing document". In leftist terms that means whenever they can they will shove your rights up your ass and make the constitution say whatever it is they want it to say. The cunts actually believe that govt grants rights and that you do to have any inherent rights except of course to kill a baby whenever you like. These filthy animals need to be herded up and locked away.
There's no avoiding civil war. There's no reason for cities to continue giving rural states a free ride.

No federal dollars should go to states without a state tax.
A state needs to have a population of 5 million before they can elect a senator.
Any state that cannot support itself will be annexed by a neighboring state.

Well, I was agreeing until that last bit. I don't WANT to annex Indiana, Ohio, or Wisconsin. If Canada would adopt the U.P. that would be amazing.
As far as I can tell, Reichwingers think that freedom =

1. No consequences for exercising one's 1st Amendment rights to call others n-ggers, c-nts, pedophiles, etc. One should also be free to use social media platforms to instigate violence, hate crimes, arson, murder, rape, enslavement, etc.

2. The right to try to force other people's children to learn about their chosen religion (Christianity, of course, and nothing else) in public schools, including science classes which must also teach "creationism."

3. The right to dictate what other citizens may or may not do with the sexual apparatus they were gifted with at birth.

4. The right to own as many lethal firearms as possible with absolutely no restrictions, educational requirements, safety concerns, no matter what law enforcement thinks.

5. The right to frequent outbursts of poutrage and threats of insurrection if they're not allowed to do 1-4, above.
...only want to talk about "rights" and "freedoms."

The MAIN PURPOSE of our constitution was to provide for us a form of government.

It provided what is now the most stupid and inefficient form of government in the free world [while and if we're still considered part of that.]

Rights and freedoms are one thing, although I'm not sure that providing them to deficient mutants like trumpanzees is a good idea.

Our form of government itself is catastrophic.

Illiterate rural reactionaries are wildly over-represented, and we can see the catastrophic result.

The most egregious constitution fellators don't even understand what the constitution's primary purpose was.
If they're too hopelessly stupid to understand that, they're also too pathetically stupid to reasonably evaluate what the constitution did, or more accurately didn't, accomplish.

Transaltion: This moron loves tyranny. You give new meaning to the word stupid and uneducated. :palm:
I would enjoy this forum a lot more if participation were restricted to other people with at least a three digit IQ.

That would include you, you dumb brain dead fuck. Leftists have ZERO self awareness. This from a dunce who thinks OUR Government is a terrible form of Government while promoting single party autocracy. You're too stupid for words snowflake. :palm:
There's no avoiding civil war. There's no reason for cities to continue giving rural states a free ride.

^Another brain dead leftist dumbfuck who thinks an autocracy is awesome. You people are the perfect example of the massive failure of our educational establishment. You give new meaning to the word "ignorant." :palm:
As far as I can tell, Reichwingers think that freedom =

1. No consequences for exercising one's 1st Amendment rights to call others n-ggers, c-nts, pedophiles, etc. One should also be free to use social media platforms to instigate violence, hate crimes, arson, murder, rape, enslavement, etc.

2. The right to try to force other people's children to learn about their chosen religion (Christianity, of course, and nothing else) in public schools, including science classes which must also teach "creationism."

3. The right to dictate what other citizens may or may not do with the sexual apparatus they were gifted with at birth.

4. The right to own as many lethal firearms as possible with absolutely no restrictions, educational requirements, safety concerns, no matter what law enforcement thinks.

5. The right to frequent outbursts of poutrage and threats of insurrection if they're not allowed to do 1-4, above.

^Gives new meaning to the word "moron." :palm: