Supersymmetry is dead


Will work for Scooby snacks
Seemingly futile efforts to unite fermions and bosons = a setback to formulating a theory of everything.
May even end up sinking string theory.
From squarks to gluinos: It's not looking good for supersymmetry

The future of the theory is in serious doubt

A recent analysis of results from the Large Hadron Collider revealed no evidence of the theory known as supersymmetry.

Supersymmetry is the idea that the fundamental particles of nature are connected through a deep relationship. This theory predicts the existence of brand-new particles in the world's largest collider experiments.

But according to a recent report, there have been no signs of supersymmetry, and the theory is looking a little shaky

Like any other theories that have been introduced; they must stand the test of time.

Proponents of supersymmetry claim our particle detectors have not reached high enough energy levels to find the "anti" fermion-boson particles.

Additionally, they sometimes claim the math of supersymmetry is too beautiful and elegant to not be saying something true about nature.

Intellectually, they may have a valid point on technical grounds. But it sounds like wishful thinking to me.

Think like Einstein and you'll see results.

Thought experiments are probably the foundation of modern physics.

But at some point we have to be able to corroborate hypothesis under laboratory experimental conditions.

I really wanted supersymmetry to be true, but nature does not really care what I want.