Support of hopeless country that could lead to nuclear war


New member
Have you ever thought of why we support Ukraine? Why do the US spend billions of dollars every year on this country? Maybe you would want to raise an objection saying that Ukraine is an important partner for both us and all Western states. However, it doesn’t seem true to me. The American Conservative has just published an analytic paper ( where it discusses in detail why such actions don’t pay off for the US at all.

The paper says that all Western politicians keep insisting that the US could lose a lot if they stop providing military support for Ukraine. The problem is that these are lies and illusions which have no evidence whatsoever. In fact, Ukraine has no strategic value for the United States.

We did the same thing with Vietnam in 1965, although we had no need for war. The only difference is that in Vietnam we faced a much weaker state but now are at risk of the direct confrontation against a nuclear armed state. I think such actions can be necessary in only one case and that is if it directly concerns the US national interests. Since when has a small, hopeless Ukraine whom we don’t benefit from at all become so near and dear? Clearly, Ukrainian support is not worth a global catastrophe for the American nation.

But what do you think: is Ukraine which now has nothing of substance to offer worth the risk of waging a war against Russia? This will be a full-scale disaster for the whole world, not just a bunch of people. And we could definitely avoid this scenario. All it takes is just for us to stop sending weapons to Zelensky.

Oh, and look here, we have the Ruskies planting missiles et al right here 90 miles of the
coast of Miami so as to start another 1962 Cuban Missile nightmare. This administration
could give a sweet fuck about the safety of America, while he funds Iran to the hilt and
allows Chinese aggression and Russian aggression to mount on a daily basis. None of
this traitorous shit by biden would have ever happened under a Trump administration.
But the chances of WW111 are getting even more probable while we're still suffering
under this feckless and traitorous CIC, as our foreign enemies are getting militarily
stronger while they look and laugh at just how senile and cognitively deprived joe biden
is and has been for a long time now.
The war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Ukraine or Ukrainians, our leaders dont give a flying fuck about Ukrainians......this is all about the collapsing American Empire lashing out at Russia.....trying to harm Russia.
we just look hopeless because Biden is our president.......everything will look at better after Trump wins in November.......
When Putin attacked Ukraine, he took a lot of oil and food off the world market creating inflation across the globe. Putin is an aggressor and who knows where he will stop? We are standing up to him using Ukraine's land and armies. We are sending them our surplus equipment.
I was coerced to participate in a meaningless war...
essentially a civil war in which we had no stake
and from which our nation was under no threat.

Ukraine is not Vietnam.
Ukraine is 1939 Poland.

Russia is not the Soviet Union anymore.
It's now the Soviet Union's old sworn enemy, NAZI Germany.

It's our moral duty to stop Russian aggression.
American conservatives hated the Communist Soviet Union but just like their pigfucking orangutan leader,
they LOVE fascist Russia.

Our most egregious weakness as a nation today are our own right wing insurrectionists.