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Breaking news!
Breaking news!
to the cheaters go the fucksticks.
YOUR Supreme Court 6-3
fuck this.
Bitch slapped by your own SC no less. Its gotta suck to be you.
No where left to take their lies
The Republican Party stabbed its self to death
populism is alive and well. biden is a corporatist sellout unable to govern with an imaginary mandate.
81 million votes is an imaginary mandate?
They are fucking nuts. This won't end it for them. They'll just have another nutter idea to overturn the election. When all is said and done, they'll start hurting themselves and others.
still a ways from certification.
Certification is done. Finished. Kaput.
(From my b.i.l. who is licensed to practice before the Bar -- argue a case in front of the United States Supreme Court)
Suck it, fascists. You LOST.