Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for elections

ah yes....the conservative court turns back the clock and approves a poll tax.... is anyone surprised? Can Jim Crow be far behind?

Were the supremes wearing their black robes or their white ones today?
strange, our govt seems to be making it more difficult to vote and making fraud easier with the no paper trail electronic machines.
In order to cast a ballot at the polls, voters must show a photo ID with current street address or two forms of identification, such as a utility bill or car registration, with name and street address.

Poll tax your ass.....must be getting concerned that dead people and illegals might not be able to vote....
Funny how the libs get all upset when asked to prove if you have the right to vote. What are they hiding?
In order to cast a ballot at the polls, voters must show a photo ID with current street address or two forms of identification, such as a utility bill or car registration, with name and street address.

Poll tax your ass.....must be getting concerned that dead people and illegals might not be able to vote....

If you have to go pay for a photo ID in order to be able to vote, that's a poll tax. Now if that is also your ass..... shitting must be difficult. I'm not at all sympathetic, however.
If you have to go pay for a photo ID in order to be able to vote, that's a poll tax. Now if that is also your ass..... shitting must be difficult. I'm not at all sympathetic, however.
Yes, but unfortunately for your poll tax idea there are other forms of acceptible identification that do not require such a thing.
but what if you do not normally get two of those other things in the course of your life?

there really ARE people out there who do not have a car and who do not pay utility bills.
I know of hundreds of them who live in group boarding homes all over Maine's capital city - former residents of the local mental health institute that were deinstitutionalized in the 80's..... no cars, no eletric bills..... and soon, no voice in government, or so it would seem.

aren't we proud?
I know of hundreds of them who live in group boarding homes all over Maine's capital city - former residents of the local mental health institute that were deinstitutionalized in the 80's..... no cars, no eletric bills..... and soon, no voice in government, or so it would seem.

aren't we proud?

i am proud. If you want to vote you have 2 entire fucking years to get your shit together. If you can't prove you exist then TOUGH FUCKING LUCK.
I know of hundreds of them who live in group boarding homes all over Maine's capital city - former residents of the local mental health institute that were deinstitutionalized in the 80's..... no cars, no eletric bills..... and soon, no voice in government, or so it would seem.

aren't we proud?

I can see the concern....certainly all Democrats too....being that their NUTS..!
Grind never had enough empathy to move anywhere.
Unless it is like the hole flow theory of electricity flow. A nothing moving ;)