Sure you want Medicare for all ?


New member
Medicare for all does not mean our standing medicare. It would be dramatically changed. Medicare is a blueprint. But what ails it , will be corrected. Medicare is a much nicer system. You do not fight for coverage and service. They send you emails telling you what preventative care you qualify for. Medicare saves money by keeping you healthier and preventing illness. Our regular system makes more by keeping you sick and going for treatment.
Our present system is wrong in concept and abusive in practice.
Medicare for all does not mean our standing medicare. It would be dramatically changed. Medicare is a blueprint. But what ails it , will be corrected. Medicare is a much nicer system. You do not fight for coverage and service. They send you emails telling you what preventative care you qualify for. Medicare saves money by keeping you healthier and preventing illness. Our regular system makes more by keeping you sick and going for treatment.
Our present system is wrong in concept and abusive in practice.

You may not fight for coverage but the docs do and even then the answer is generally no.
If Congress/CMA has been unable to fix Medicare/Medicaid in 50 years what makes you think a new and improved one is possible ?
AMA will still write the legislation and they will not do themselves any harm.
Your best bet is to shutter Medicare/Medicaid and buy commercial policies. They are far better at efficient healthcare.
You may not fight for coverage but the docs do and even then the answer is generally no.
If Congress/CMA has been unable to fix Medicare/Medicaid in 50 years what makes you think a new and improved one is possible ?
AMA will still write the legislation and they will not do themselves any harm.
Your best bet is to shutter Medicare/Medicaid and buy commercial policies. They are far better at efficient healthcare.

The doctors are a big part of the financial abuse. They will not be eliminated. Clinics and labs also bilk the system. PHARM and drug companies loot us . The whole system needds to be redone. Medicare is a good starting point.
The doctors are a big part of the financial abuse. They will not be eliminated. Clinics and labs also bilk the system. PHARM and drug companies loot us . The whole system needds to be redone. Medicare is a good starting point.

No. Medicare is a bad starting point as its the source of the problem.
No. Medicare is a bad starting point as its the source of the problem.

The conventional health service is the problem, too. Doctors are guilty of looting as the opioid epidemic has made perfectly clear. These were not Medicare doctors who set up pill mills to make bigger bucks. Medicare was looted for mega millions by a Florida insurance company. They were fined mega millions for it. Their chief exec was rewarded with winning the governorship and is now senator thief.
There is nothing special about Medicare fraud. It is actually better than the rest of healthcare.
The conventional health service is the problem, too. Doctors are guilty of looting as the opioid epidemic has made perfectly clear. These were not Medicare doctors who set up pill mills to make bigger bucks. Medicare was looted for mega millions by a Florida insurance company. They were fined mega millions for it. Their chief exec was rewarded with winning the governorship and is now senator thief.
There is nothing special about Medicare fraud. It is actually better than the rest of healthcare.

Commercial carriers do a far better job of managing fraud because they have to. Medicare doesnt have to so they dont.
Commercial carriers do a far better job of managing fraud because they have to. Medicare doesnt have to so they dont.

Commercial carriers? You mean insurance companies? They add nothing but cost and complications. Their prices and copays go up well past inflation again and again. They sit between you and your medical procedures, fighting against the customer's health interests to make more profits. They are a huge waste and should be eliminated.
Commercial carriers? You mean insurance companies? They add nothing but cost and complications. Their prices and copays go up well past inflation again and again. They sit between you and your medical procedures, fighting against the customer's health interests to make more profits. They are a huge waste and should be eliminated.

the same is true of grocery stores........they get between us and the farmers......