Surge sure is working - Up to 200 killed in Baghdad bombs


Villified User
Up to 200 killed in Baghdad bombs

A US troop "surge" has not stopped insurgent attacks

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Nearly 200 people have been killed in a string of attacks in Iraq's capital, Baghdad - the worst day of violence since a US security operation began.

In one of the deadliest attacks of the last four years, some 140 people were killed in a car bombing in a food market in Sadriya district.
Up to 200 killed in Baghdad bombs

A US troop "surge" has not stopped insurgent attacks

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Nearly 200 people have been killed in a string of attacks in Iraq's capital, Baghdad - the worst day of violence since a US security operation began.

In one of the deadliest attacks of the last four years, some 140 people were killed in a car bombing in a food market in Sadriya district.
Deja vu all over again. They're already beginning to hedge on their own timetables, denying, in effect, that they're accountable for anything.
"There are still horrific attacks in Iraq, such as the bombings in Baghdad on Wednesday, but the direction of the fight is beginning to shift," he said.

Bush added that the US commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, "reports that it will be later this year before we can judge the potential for success, but the first indications are beginning to emerge. And they show that so far the operation is meeting expectations."

This lot are never going to admit reality. They will never, ever admit that they were wrong from the outset and would rather kill thousands more people, even American soldiers, than be tagged with such responsibility.

Is Shrubbie really channeling Dick Nixon or is he doing this on his own, do you suppose?
It is a neocon mindset thing Ornot. They all seem to have a common mental defect of not being able to admit to a mistake.