Surging Death


U.S. Military: 14 Troops Killed in Iraq

BAGHDAD — The U.S. military announced the deaths of 14 American troops, including five killed Thursday in a single roadside bombing that also killed four Iraqis in Baghdad.
Elsewhere in Iraq, a suicide truck bomber struck the Sulaiman Bek city hall in a predominantly Sunni area in northern Iraq, killing at least 13 people and wounding 70, an Iraqi commander said.
The U.S. deaths raised to at least 3,545 the number of U.S. troops who have died since the war began in 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
The deadliest attack was a roadside bomb that struck a convoy in northeastern Baghdad on Thursday, killing five U.S. soldiers, three Iraqi civilians and one Iraqi interpreter, the military said
doesn't matter. According to Tony Snow and other adminstration officials, surging violence is a good sign. It means our opponents are getting desparate.

Anway, it's a forgone conclusion that General Patreaus is going to report some "progress" in Iraq, in his september report. "Progress" is a nebulous term, open to infinite interpretation. So we'll have to give bush one more Freidman time unit to accomplish the mission.