Surprise In Virginia: GOP So Sure Of Victory No Get Out The Vote Effort Was Planned!


Senior Member
You read that right. The GOP was so sure of victory in Virginia a year ago when they were assembling their vaunted get out the vote efforts that they didn't plan one for Virginia so they now have none in the state that has become a virtual dead heat. Say, "Goodnight, Virginia!" Or as that dirty old Rock 'n Roll Band said in the early seventies, "Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes."

Ain't Rove a Genius! Ain't The Combination of Rove and Allen Something Grand!!!!

"Come on, come on down Sweet Virginia!!!"

"Macaca" is in the caca!!!!
Really? That's pretty funny.

I'm sure that the Allen campaign can whip together at least a token effort but without support from the national party it probably won't amount to much.

What's the old saying, "how swiftly doth evil, evil mar?"
Allen is now ahead in the polls. But what insight do you have that the Republicans had no plan? Were you there? Or just your opinion? And does it really matter? The election will tell who wins.
Really? That's pretty funny.

I'm sure that the Allen campaign can whip together at least a token effort but without support from the national party it probably won't amount to much.

What's the old saying, "how swiftly doth evil, evil mar?"

Yep, they really though Allen would coast right back. As least that is what Ms. O'Donnell told Chris Matthew on Hardball last night. She said they had been able to keep the gaffe a secret up until now. But if what Huffington is reporting is true, then they traded a get out the vote effort for a voter suppression effort, because apparently Allen's campaign is behind the phone calls telling some Virginians they can be arrested and thrown in jail for voting. Maybe Allen will win and wind up in jail himself. Or lose and wind up in jail. At least his rent, food and beverages will be covered.
It costs a lot less tax dollars to keep him in prison than in congress ;)
so locking him up would be a conservative move.
Allen is now ahead in the polls. But what insight do you have that the Republicans had no plan? Were you there? Or just your opinion? And does it really matter? The election will tell who wins.

In three weeks or perhaps more. That is what they are projecting for the recounts and appeals to take at minimum. And of course you can count on Allen to obstruct the process as long as he can.