Surreal Rules


Junior Member
Rule 1

>1. Any death — enemy or friendly, accidental or deliberate, civilian or soldier — favors the terrorists. The Islamists have no claim on morality; Westerners do and show it hourly. So, in a strange way, images of the dead and dying are attributed only to our failing. If ours are killed, it is because those in power were not careful (inadequate body armor, unarmored humvees, etc), most likely due to some supposed conspiracy (Halliburton profiteering, blood for oil, wars for Israel , etc.). When Muslim enemies are killed, whether by intent or accidentally, the whole arsenal of Western postmodern thought comes into play. For the United States to have such power over life and death, the enemy appears to the world as weak, sympathetic, and victimized; we as strong and oppressive. Terrorists are still “constructed” as “the other” and thus are seen as suffering — doctored photos or not — through the grim prism of Western colonialism, racism, and imperialism.

In short, it is not just that Western public opinion won’t tolerate many losses; it won’t tolerate for very long killing the enemy either — unless the belligerents are something akin to the white, Christian Europeans of Milosevic’s Serbia, who, fortunately for NATO war planners in the Balkans, could not seek refuge behind any politically correct paradigm and so were bombed with impunity. Remember, multiculturalism always trumps fascism: the worst homophobe, the intolerant theocrat, and the woman-hating bigot is always sympathetic if he wears some third-world garb, mouths anti-Americanism, and looks most un-European. To win these wars, our soldiers must not die or kill.

All to sad that this is how it plays out.
Any you didn't read the article did you? LOL

Hence my reply.

Insinuating that liberalism allows the extremists 'moral points' by highlighting atrocities etc on our side...

Ascribing this to political correctness rather than what it really is... ensuring that we don't become like those we oppose.

As I said, a piece of whiney RW shite.....
Once again you come up with a great article that I fully agree with.

I have pigiron on my ignore list so i don't know what he said but I'm sure it was stupid, which is why I ignore him.
Don't ignore them Gaffer, that is what they do. Just make fun of them. they will ignore you but you can have fun proving them wrong again and again
I ignore them because all they can say is "I HATE BUSH". They add nothing relevant to a conversation. And pigiron is just a commie so has nothing to add either. A few of them actually have something to say occasionally so I leave them open. But sifting through all the I HATE BUSH garbage just gets to be too much, don't have time for that.
We liberals do not love muslims. We are fully aware of their failings. We are simply playing the other side because conservatives try so terribly hard to demonize them. We are trying to be fair to both sides, and only an extremist would consider such a position favoring them.
Mostly it's because this war was entirely irrelevant and brought in by, at best, manipulation on the part of the right. One year after a terror attack and you start linking a completely irrelevant country to it... disgusting.
I ignore them because all they can say is "I HATE BUSH". They add nothing relevant to a conversation. And pigiron is just a commie so has nothing to add either. A few of them actually have something to say occasionally so I leave them open. But sifting through all the I HATE BUSH garbage just gets to be too much, don't have time for that.

YOu see it this way because you are fairly new to this board and have not been through the last 3-4 years with people like Anyold who have gone in depth of what it is that President Bush has done to make them "just hate him" now....which is what you are seeing....

And I have gone thru nearly 4 years with Anyold putting down religion and me arguing till my last breath in favor of it....I have put up with him saying that I have been brainwashed, I have listen to him compare American Christian schools to the equivalent of the Madrass Schools in the middle east, I have argued with him over Israel, and zionism, and you name it....

But none the less Gaffer, I think that Anyoldiron is a decent bloke....who lives in a different world from us and it is like traveling to a foreign country listening to him.... it can only enlighten me is how I look at it and I think you really ought to consider this for yourself.... no one is worth ignoring! of course this is my humble opinion....but Anyoldiron is one of the least offensive guy there is....he is really a nice guy, who hates bush for many, many reasons...not because he is a republican because being that he is a Brit there is nothing at stake, but because of what President Bush and his administration has SAID and DONE......that's all....? Like many others out there....he is not alone. And I agree it sounds like "just Bush bashing" but there are many facts, actions, and details that are what is behind those emotions....and comments, it just gets tiring repeating these policies and actions that we differ with over and over and over again....and then when you do, the other side just repeats their same old comments back that HAVE ALREADY been disproven.... it gets pretty frustrating really....

And I am certain there are plenty of things on your side that the dems keep retaliating with partisan garbage too...

I just don't see how this country will ever move forward unless we unite or agree to respectfully disagree.... but it just seems like there is soo much at stake for America if we just cordially agree to disagree, we need to CHANGE MINDS! lol

but neither side ever really does.... :(

I haven't seen anybody give as the basis of their argument that they hate Bush.

you have GOT to be kidding ihg?

you have been around long enough to have read thousands of threads on why people dislike President Bush and his policies and his actions?

Have you selectively been choosing your threads?

you have GOT to be kidding ihg?

you have been around long enough to have read thousands of threads on why people dislike President Bush and his policies and his actions?

Have you selectively been choosing your threads?


Yes, but mostly people hate Bush because of his policies... or the policies that are currently being conducted. I doubt you are against the Iraq war because of Bush, but because it's a stupid war that is about to kill more people than all those killed in 9/11, all through a manipulatory game played by a man who abused his power. You obviously hate Bush, but that isn't your main reason.
The way Gaffer says it people form their opinons around the idea that they hate Bush rather than what is actually happening in which they form an opinion about policy and then decide they hate Bush.
Yes, but mostly people hate Bush because of his policies... or the policies that are currently being conducted. I doubt you are against the Iraq war because of Bush, but because it's a stupid war that is about to kill more people than all those killed in 9/11, all through a manipulatory game played by a man who abused his power. You obviously hate Bush, but that isn't your main reason.

Precisely...I do not hate President Bush personally, but I do disagree vehemently with almost all of his policies regarding Iraq and the deceitful and manipulative way he got Americans and Congress to support him, regarding the trickle down theory and the manner in which he redistributed our taxes with tax breaks focussed mainly on the wealthiest while not lowering the 15% tax bracket percentage at all, which is one of the largest tax bracket for middle America, regarding his disregard for our constitution and his duty to follow it and oath to uphold it, regarding his big spending budgets, the way he maniupulates figures and analysis measurements like moving fast food industry out of the service food industry in to manufacturing so that his figures fair better in manufacturing and the impact of globalization and his trade policies don't get seen correctly, his foreign name it, even the way he hires useless people to do the jobs that need to be done.... like Mike Brown/Cherkoff with homeland security/Katrina.....and the way he has changed the Laws of our times without anyone so much as questioning him for the first 5-6 years without getting labeled as a treasonist or traitor....or terrorist lover..... and I do not like the secretiveness of this administration....they are totally against SUNSHINE.....and all the sunshine laws....not even his supposed plan to "save" social security was worth a crap in your hand.....

He falls short in many ways imo...

there isn't much that I can think of that I agree with him on honestly...

Precisely...I do not hate President Bush personally, but I do disagree vehemently with almost all of his policies regarding Iraq and the deceitful and manipulative way he got Americans and Congress to support him, regarding the trickle down theory and the manner in which he redistributed our taxes with tax breaks focussed mainly on the wealthiest while not lowering the 15% tax bracket percentage at all, which is one of the largest tax bracket for middle America, regarding his disregard for our constitution and his duty to follow it and oath to uphold it, regarding his big spending budgets, the way he maniupulates figures and analysis measurements like moving fast food industry out of the service food industry in to manufacturing so that his figures fair better in manufacturing and the impact of globalization and his trade policies don't get seen correctly, his foreign name it, even the way he hires useless people to do the jobs that need to be done.... like Mike Brown/Cherkoff with homeland security/Katrina.....and the way he has changed the Laws of our times without anyone so much as questioning him for the first 5-6 years without getting labeled as a treasonist or traitor....or terrorist lover..... and I do not like the secretiveness of this administration....they are totally against SUNSHINE.....and all the sunshine laws....not even his supposed plan to "save" social security was worth a crap in your hand.....

He falls short in many ways imo...

there isn't much that I can think of that I agree with him on honestly...

Care, it is deceitful to say that the 15% bracket got no break... They did, first many who were on the roles were removed and they received the same relief as those at the beginning. Secondly, this "15% receive no benefit" isn't from the cuts it is from the ACCELERATION of the drop for the 27% to 25%...

What happened with the 15% bracket is they cut off the bottom then expanded the top so that some who were in the next-higher bracket dropped to 15%, those on the bottom dropped to 10%... These people also received the refunded money for the tax drop (notice they were paying taxes)...

So, instead of paying for almost all their income in the 15% bracket, a greater portion was taxed at the lower amount, giving them a net tax break.

It is deceitful to say that they received no benefit at all. In fact, whomever told you that was lying to you by omission.
The way Gaffer says it people form their opinons around the idea that they hate Bush rather than what is actually happening in which they form an opinion about policy and then decide they hate Bush.

It's just a method of dismissing any argument that opposes him. Typical of a pussy that can't (thus won't) debate.