Sweeney Todd



This is the best Tim Burton film since... ever. The music is also pretty good, being that it's made by Strondheim, who wrote the musical, instead of that guy Burton gets to write most of his music.

This was one of Depp's better performances... sometimes he acts well, other times he's as annoying as hell.
I heard it sucked, but I'm boycotting it because it is a Tim Burton film...the man is about as overrated as Tarantino.

The composer you are trying to think of is Danny Elfman, by the way.
I thought about going to see that. We saw Juno instead. That was a really good movie by the way.

I highly recommend it.
Tim Burton practices a ridiculous form of cronyism that sometimes hurts his films (Depp is his friend, Helena Bonham is his fiancee, and they got the leading roles). But he does put out good stuff. He knows how to make it big. Sweeney Todd's story was good in any case, and he couldn't have done much to muck it up.

Still, he inexplicably cut out the opening song, which was a broadway classic.
He didn't do the music for this film. It's based on a broadway musical and it would be ridiculous for Tim Burton to commission an all new set of music for it.

I know that-- I was referring to your first post, where you said that he didn't use the guy that he usually uses--- the guy he usually uses is named Danny Elfman.

As for movies, in a couple hours I'm off to see Walk Hard.
We Saw Juno and theater hopped to Alien vs Predator - Requiem. That was incredibly bad.
Tiana, I think any movie with the word "versus" in it, is pretty much almost a straight-to-DVD release.
Tiana, I think any movie with the word "versus" in it, is pretty much almost a straight-to-DVD release.

Like I said, we just popped in. It was free and I recommend everyone stay away from it.

Although I've seen worse. has anyone seen this movie called Brick I think? I saw that a while back. I'm thinking of suing the creators - I want that two hours of my life back to this very day.
Good Lord..............

You should try it more often, you might get laid.

waterbaby..what is your fascination(pun) with this thread..we all are aware that you have not busted your cherry...why are you picking on young Lib? Give it a rest or go out tonight and experience life 'First Hand' then get back to us...kay!
waterbaby..what is your fascination(pun) with this thread..we all are aware that you have not busted your cherry...why are you picking on young Lib? Give it a rest or go out tonight and experience life 'First Hand' then get back to us...kay!

BB doesn't get irony. It's alright. Go drink so more Tequila gramps.
Gramps...! right, oh now I get it...........

BB doesn't get irony. It's alright. Go drink so more Tequila gramps.

Waterbaby and Young Lib are hitting on each other...my bad...I will digress to your fantasies...ya are talking to each other..how ironic...;)
I heard Tim Burton cut out some off the best songs in the movie...

Yes, I heard that too.

He cut out the most famous one in the entire musical, the "ballad of Sweeney Todd". This was, as he said, because it talked about going to see the tale of Sweeney Todd, and he said "Why hear a song about going to see the tale of Sweeney Todd when you can just go see it"? He apparently doesn't know much about musicals.