Sweet deal


LOL I just got an exclusive contract with the local TV news station to advertise on their website as the only company in my type service. they wanted me to pay $200 a month, but I BS'd and told the guy I'd have to charge more or do extra work just to break even since I'm already at nearly full capacity (Big lie LOL I bluffed him) and I got the price down to $125 and with a month to month contract. LOL awesome! Damn I'm good

Plus, the guy was all compliments on my website. He said I ought to advertise my computer skills too. He called me because my site looked the best out of all the other companies in PDX

LOL I just got an exclusive contract with the local TV news station to advertise on their website as the only company in my type service. they wanted me to pay $200 a month, but I BS'd and told the guy I'd have to charge more or do extra work just to break even since I'm already at nearly full capacity (Big lie LOL I bluffed him) and I got the price down to $125 and with a month to month contract. LOL awesome! Damn I'm good

Plus, the guy was all compliments on my website. He said I ought to advertise my computer skills too. He called me because my site looked the best out of all the other companies in PDX


LOL I just got an exclusive contract with the local TV news station to advertise on their website as the only company in my type service. they wanted me to pay $200 a month, but I BS'd and told the guy I'd have to charge more or do extra work just to break even since I'm already at nearly full capacity (Big lie LOL I bluffed him) and I got the price down to $125 and with a month to month contract. LOL awesome! Damn I'm good

Plus, the guy was all compliments on my website. He said I ought to advertise my computer skills too. He called me because my site looked the best out of all the other companies in PDX


Typical greedy Yank. Lies and cheats and laughs it off.