Swine Flu: Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste?

The news is completely obsessed with the Swine Flu. I understand it is bad news, and you don't want to get it, and that some people will die from it. I understand it is a major health concern, but there is something more going on here. The CDC has reported that this particular strain of Swine Flu is responding to Tamiflu. So, it's not like this could be the kiss of death for all humanity.

We have had cases reported all over America, probably a few dozen at this point, and today we had the first death from Swine Flu. But let's put this in perspective, last year, we had 13,000 cases of Tuberculosis reported in America. A disease that had been all but eradicated in the '50s, has made an alarming comeback, and this is a serious disease, of which there is no cure. How much news coverage has Tuberculosis gotten lately? Something is up with this Swine Flu scare. It's not a "pandemic" it's a Panic-demic!

Could this possibly be, cover for the Mexican government? In Mexico City, the government has declared a state of emergency, and suspended all property rights. They can enter, seize, and quarantine, any property or individual, without warrant or appeal. This is done in the supposed interest of public safety, because of this Swine Flu thing... but... could it be, the Mexican economy is on the verge of total collapse, and they fear a coup? If you were the Mexican government, and you knew a coup may happen, what could you do to prevent it? Nothing like a little martial law in the wake of a worldwide pandemic, huh?
We have it here in Alaska, a resurgence and it is scary stuff! I keep up on my TB pricks!
We have tens of thousands of people die from the regular flu every year.

Must have been a slow news week.
We have it here in Alaska, a resurgence and it is scary stuff! I keep up on my TB pricks!

it is those damn people in the villages, spreading that tb, i know, i use to live there once in a small town in alaska.
Viral terrorism.

I told you all that AQ was in Mexico and would come at us from that direction.
But noooo, all the right wing just wanted cheap labor.
We have tens of thousands of people die from the regular flu every year.

Must have been a slow news week.
Don't forget the likelihood that it will not spread well in the summer due to evaporation. There is a reason that flu season hits in the winter, it is far better for the survival and spread of the virus.
Although, there is one statistic or fact that is a cause for concern. Apparently the 1918 influenza epidemic was preceded in the spring by a mild outbreak of the flu. It died out and came back with a vengence in the fall.
Although, there is one statistic or fact that is a cause for concern. Apparently the 1918 influenza epidemic was preceded in the spring by a mild outbreak of the flu. It died out and came back with a vengence in the fall.

Fall and winter seasons are always bad, because in a lot of the States it's so cold that people tend to congregate indoors more.
The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-19 was greatly enhanced by the First World War which helped it to spread quickly and to virtually every part of the globe. Malnourishment, caused by the war, also helped in that otherwise fit young men became susceptible due to weakened immune systems.

Although, there is one statistic or fact that is a cause for concern. Apparently the 1918 influenza epidemic was preceded in the spring by a mild outbreak of the flu. It died out and came back with a vengence in the fall.