Switching Jobs

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Hey guys.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not work at Wal#mart or Office Depot.

I got a new job which starts on monday (may5).

I work in computer programming and am switching from sql developer to Java Architect. (I've done lots of java in the past just not in the last year or so when I was doing sql.)

In the development world architect means you're "a big deal". Though I despise making hierarchies fixed, I am glad to get the step up. I'm tired of being a low level grunt. It is possible however that this is just titular inflation and a I will still be a low level grunt. I will find out in the next couple weeks.

I consider you guys to be somewhat of a pseudo-family to me. SO I wanted to share.

The new place is very big brothery, but I must infiltrate the system to tear it down from the inside -- Famous last words of those who BECOME THE SYSTEM. YIKES!

Pray for my soul.
Good Lord...........

Hey guys.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not work at Wal#mart or Office Depot.

I got a new job which starts on monday (may5).

I work in computer programming and am switching from sql developer to Java Architect. (I've done lots of java in the past just not in the last year or so when I was doing sql.)

In the development world architect means you're "a big deal". Though I despise making hierarchies fixed, I am glad to get the step up. I'm tired of being a low level grunt. It is possible however that this is just titular inflation and a I will still be a low level grunt. I will find out in the next couple weeks.

I consider you guys to be somewhat of a pseudo-family to me. SO I wanted to share.

The new place is very big brothery, but I must infiltrate the system to tear it down from the inside -- Famous last words of those who BECOME THE SYSTEM. YIKES!

Pray for my soul.

You haven't even started...and are looking to tear them down? Seek help asshat
Hey guys.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not work at Wal#mart or Office Depot.

I got a new job which starts on monday (may5).

I work in computer programming and am switching from sql developer to Java Architect. (I've done lots of java in the past just not in the last year or so when I was doing sql.)

In the development world architect means you're "a big deal". Though I despise making hierarchies fixed, I am glad to get the step up. I'm tired of being a low level grunt. It is possible however that this is just titular inflation and a I will still be a low level grunt. I will find out in the next couple weeks.

I consider you guys to be somewhat of a pseudo-family to me. SO I wanted to share.

The new place is very big brothery, but I must infiltrate the system to tear it down from the inside -- Famous last words of those who BECOME THE SYSTEM. YIKES!

Pray for my soul.

i'd aim for 'mid-level' grunt. Non one ever notices those guys.
Hey guys.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not work at Wal#mart or Office Depot.

I got a new job which starts on monday (may5).

I work in computer programming and am switching from sql developer to Java Architect. (I've done lots of java in the past just not in the last year or so when I was doing sql.)

In the development world architect means you're "a big deal". Though I despise making hierarchies fixed, I am glad to get the step up. I'm tired of being a low level grunt. It is possible however that this is just titular inflation and a I will still be a low level grunt. I will find out in the next couple weeks.

I consider you guys to be somewhat of a pseudo-family to me. SO I wanted to share.

The new place is very big brothery, but I must infiltrate the system to tear it down from the inside -- Famous last words of those who BECOME THE SYSTEM. YIKES!

Pray for my soul.

Good luck AH. Is the new environment dominated by Indians ?

btw we are getting ready to switch from Informix to another system, I am not sure which one yet.
I think the US IT industry is dominated by Indians now.
A really amazing 10-15 yr transition.
Pretty much brought about about by H1b Visas.
I think the US IT industry is dominated by Indians now.
A really amazing 10-15 yr transition.
Pretty much brought about about by H1b Visas.

Corporations prefer employees dependant upon them for their visa status, or those more accustomed to a more abusive, hierarchical culture.
Corporations prefer employees dependant upon them for their visa status, or those more accustomed to a more abusive, hierarchical culture.

Yup, the new workforce of the 21'st century we have heard spoken of.

However in a few more years I am not sure who will be controlling who.
Hey guys.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not work at Wal#mart or Office Depot.

I got a new job which starts on monday (may5).

I work in computer programming and am switching from sql developer to Java Architect. (I've done lots of java in the past just not in the last year or so when I was doing sql.)

In the development world architect means you're "a big deal". Though I despise making hierarchies fixed, I am glad to get the step up. I'm tired of being a low level grunt. It is possible however that this is just titular inflation and a I will still be a low level grunt. I will find out in the next couple weeks.

I consider you guys to be somewhat of a pseudo-family to me. SO I wanted to share.

The new place is very big brothery, but I must infiltrate the system to tear it down from the inside -- Famous last words of those who BECOME THE SYSTEM. YIKES!

Pray for my soul.

I'm going to school for software engineering.

I'm going to be asshat in 10 years. :-/