Switching to decent health coverage


Switching away from shitty capitalist health coverage to TRICARE since my dad is heading out to Qatar. I'll miss him, but I also feel bad for the people who aren't lucky enough to get socialist healthcare like Medicaid, Medicare, and TRICARE.
Don't be so cheap- buy your own damn health care instead of relying on national socialist health care you fucking Nazi.
Don't be so cheap- buy your own damn health care instead of relying on national socialist health care you fucking Nazi.

Funny that you call him a Nazi for wanting the gov't to take care of his healthcare. While you claim to be a conservative for wanting the gov't to control what is decent and what is not, based on YOUR moral beliefs.
Don't be so cheap- buy your own damn health care

Socialist TRICARE covers kids in college until they are 23, just like the old capitalist coverage. It would be pointless to buy redundant healthcare coverage for me. My sister, however, can't get socailized medicine because she's 24, and hopefully someday we'll fix that.

instead of relying on national socialist health care you fucking Nazi.

I'd rather rely on Socialist single-payer than National Socialist corporatism, but thanks anyway.
"National Socialist corporatism". Wow you're a far off loonie.

The Socialist party was the only party to vote against the enabling act, while the conservatives, and the centrists, and the Catholics all caved in. The leader of the Socialist party was later executed for his patriotism; one of the many casualties in the long and noble tradition of world Socialism.

The important thing to remember about the National Socialists is that the National part was the important part of their name; Socialist has a different, much more positive meaning in europe, and so it's essentially a throwaway adjective to put in front of your parties name, much like "progressive" or "populist" is in the US.
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im TRYING to CARE but I can't. lollllllllllll
