Switzerland Approves Assisted ‘Suicide Capsule’


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Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland and this new 3-D printed invention makes it even easier.

Switzerland has just legalized a new way to die by assisted suicide. The country’s medical review board has just given authorization for use of the Sarco Suicide Pod, which is a 3-D-printed portable coffin-like capsule with windows that can be transported to a tranquil place for a person’s final moments of life.

Conventional assisted-suicide methods have generally involved a chemical substance. Inventor Philip Nitschke of Exit International told the website SwissInfo.ch that his “death pod” offers a different approach. “We want to remove any kind of psychiatric review from the process and allow the individual to control the method themselves,” he said. “Our aim is to develop an artificial-intelligence screening system to establish the person’s mental capacity. Naturally there is a lot of skepticism, especially on the part of psychiatrists.”


Sounds expensive.

You can get the same effect with one/two Hibachi's filled with burning charcoal inside a car/small bathroom (just roll the windows up/tape over the vents).

And it surely would cost you a HECK of a lot less than this pod and nitrogen.

Cool that it is legal though.
Sounds expensive. You can get the same effect with one/two Hibachi's filled with burning charcoal inside a car/small bathroom (just roll the windows up/tape over the vents). And it surely would cost you a HECK of a lot less than this pod and nitrogen. Cool that it is legal though.

Hopefully Ken will take advantage of the opportunity the Swiss have given him.
What's it to you what it is to me?

Why do you think? Duh.

Because what the fuck do you care if a guy (I assume) you have never met does with his personal time?
I sure don't give a shit what you do with yours.

So...now answer my question?
Though I doubt you will.
Because you smell like a troll.
And trolls are cowards.

What is it to you what he does?
Failure to provide for humane euthanasia is one of America's most serious flaws, and we have lots from which to choose.

I wouldn't need it to be quite that ritualistic, however.

A couple of quiet injections in a hospital room or in one's home--the first for anesthesia, the second lethal--is plenty dignafied enough.
That's how I'd like to go when it's time.

We don't get a choice in how we arrive.
We should at least get a choice in how we leave.
Failure to provide for humane euthanasia is one of America's most serious flaws.

Is that so?

Physician-assisted death or "medical aid in dying" is legal in eleven jurisdictions: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.

Yet here you are.

Wow...my post obviously just went RIGHT over your head.

And thanks for proving what I assumed about you.

You haven't got the guts to answer any question that might make you look bad.

Yup...you definitely seem a troll.
Wow...my post obviously just went RIGHT over your head. And thanks for proving what I assumed about you. You haven't got the guts to answer any question that might make you look bad. Yup...you definitely seem a troll.

Is this you not giving a shit what I do?
Is this you not giving a shit what I do?

Hey ignoramus?

Can't you read?

'Because what the fuck do you care if a guy (I assume) you have never met does with his personal time?
I sure don't give a shit what you do with yours.'

His 'personal time'.

Like when he is NOT on the board.


So...not only are you a troll.
But you appear to be a stupid one as well.

Are you an old fart too?
Which means you are only going to get stupider as the days pass?
Hey ignoramus? Can't you read? 'Because what the fuck do you care if a guy (I assume) you have never met does with his personal time? I sure don't give a shit what you do with yours.' His 'personal time'. Like when he is NOT on the board. DUH. So...not only are you a troll. But you appear to be a stupid one as well. Are you an old fart too? Which means you are only going to get stupider as the days pass?

Is this you not giving a shit what I do again?
Is this you not giving a shit what I do again?


You are a troll and I am bored.

ANd I love picking on trolls when I am bored.

Okay you old fart loser.

Let's see if you can get it together enough to answer a simple question?

'And what's it to you if he does or doesn't?'

WE both know you cannot.

Because if you do?
You make yourself look like even more of a loser.

Bye now.