Sympathy for Obama

Sympathy for Obama
:cright: 2010 by Dixie

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of hope and change
I've only been around for a few short years
But I clearly stole my party's base
And I was around when Hillary
Had her moment in the sun
Made damn sure Oprah said
She thought I was The One!
Pleased to greet you, hope you guessed my name
But what's troubling you is my middle name's Hussein.

I stuck around in Ohio
When I saw the election could be won
I ran away from my minister
When he just became too undone
I hugged a tank
And pretended that I thanked
The 'War Machine' that I so hate...
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
But what bothers you is my middle name's Hussein.

I watched in glee on election night
As I became History made
They shouted out, "A Black John Kennedy?"
As if it were ever meant to be
So let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of Hope and Change
I lay traps for Conservatives
Like Lindsey Graham and John McCain
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
But what's disturbing you is the middle name, Hussein!

Just as every cop is a criminal
Illegal immigrants are saints
As heads are tails just call me Karl Marx
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me have some sympathy
On healthcare we can't debate
Use all your political correctness
or I swear I'll start to race bait
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...
Confusing you is just the nature of my game!

Woo hooo... woo hooo... woo hooo... woo hooo...
Tell me now, what's my name...
Tell me one time, what's my name...
Yes We Can... tell me one time... Yes We Can...
Woo hooo... woo hooo... woo hooo... woo hooo...