Synonym —— Parasitic & Congress


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Media parasites will never call swamp creatures ‘parasites’ even when parasites demand a state of their own:

The best way to combat media oversight is for every conservative with a following on Twitter and Facebook begin identifying the swamp as the Parasite Class. Referring to top parasites as “Members of Congress” every time they raid the public purse is reprehensible to say the least.



Anybody who accepts hush money from Chinless and Diarrhea Mouth would be fools not to cash the check —— so long as they know they are selling their freedom on the cheap.

NOTE: Spending trillions to combat the COVID -19 fraud is not even unconstitutional charity, it is a political hustle designed by the power hungry New World Order crowd. Regardless of the XVI Amendment, if James Madison was alive today he would say —— ‘COVID-19 fraud does not override the Constitution.’

In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object saying, "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." James Madison, 4 Annals of congress 179 (1794)

Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government. James Madison

With respect to the two words ‘general welfare,’ I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators. James Madison

Naturally, the douche bag in the White House dare not cite James Madison when he signs the latest spending bill with the same pen he uses to sign everything else the Parasite Class sends to him. Note that ol’ yellowstain already gave socialized medicine parasites THREE TRILLION dollars. A $600 check out of $900,000,000 income tax dollars is nothing more than a sop to silence objections until the 2020 election is settled by none other than U.S. Supreme Court parasites.

In short: Biden & Company stealing the election is only slightly worse than Trump & Clinton/Obama Holdovers Company getting a second term. Neither douche bag is afflicted with writers’ cramp when it comes to signing spending bills:

And so once again the mountain has labored mightily and brought forth a mouse. Our dysfunctional Congress has just passed another “stimulus” bill designed to stimulate nothing but their own lust for power and determination to hang on to their seats at all costs—in this case, some $900 billion of our money, of which they have just doled out to the peons the grand sum of six hundred simoleons to help ease the pain of the Dreaded Corona Virus and their devastation of our livelihoods.

Thanks, Mitch McConnell (78) and Nancy Pelosi (80). Fat-cat elderly millionaires both, these lifetime swamp creatures and selfless public servants have just pulled off an astounding feet of federal beneficence: sending pittances to many Americans to “ameliorate” the effects of the CCP virus panic that they themselves—and “servants” at every level of government—have caused.

Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea—you’ve just been hornswoggled. Again.

By now, the self-wrought economic destruction of the United States and other Western democracies has passed the point of transient disruption. As Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, noted in “Goldfinger,” one time is happenstance, the second time is coincidence, and the third time is enemy action. And, with a canceled Christmas looming and no letup in a media campaign of fear that basically equate “cases” with certain death, we’re just about there.

How else to explain the timely and narratively convenient arrival of a “new strain” of the Chinese Communist Party’s weaponized bug in Boris Johnson’s utterly panicked Britain, which has now shut travel to that miserable and benighted island. The “new” mutated strain—and all viruses mutate; just look at the seasonal flu—is said to more easily transmissible. Which does not mean it is deadlier, but given the current hysteria, who’s going to notice.

And, just like that, the vaccine will no longer matter. Because they will never, ever, ever, let us go.

Why not? For one thing, governments are too invested in the “new normal” to ever willingly go back to the old—the real—normal. The “new normal” is a place where human beings are taught to fear one another’s physical presence. Where they’re told to maintain anti-social distancing, as if even their parents and children were radioactive. Where they’re ordered to mask their visages, and thus their emotions. Where they’re ordered to quarantine themselves on pain of arrest by a thuggish police force that for the most part cannot question authority and will not use their powers of reason.

Where they’re expected to obey the increasingly deracinated orders of petty tyrants like California’s pretty-boy governor, Gavin Newsom—thankfully now the subject of a recall petition. Or New York State’s goonish Andrew Cuomo, who just dealt the city’s restaurants a potential death blow by ordering (on what authority?) the closure of indoor dining.

And most of all, where they’re exposed on a daily and even hourly basis to the malignant, politicized coverage of the mainstream media, which has now fully aligned itself not only with the Democrat Party but with its most leftward elements. It openly advocates now against the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly clauses of the First Amendment and against other aspects of the Constitution, including the Electoral College and the United States Senate,

The chief offenders are the New York Times, which now injects anti-Trumpist, anti-rationalist, and anti-conservative editorializing into nearly story, and the Washington Post, which fancies itself as a guardian of “democracy” but in fact supports the nullification of the Constitution and endorses the narrative of the New World Order—an ahistorical world without borders, a vengeful, ugly society based on retribution for selective past wrongs and an enthusiastic endorsement of a retrogression to a pre-Western culture of idealized utopianism that never existed except in the fevered imagination of a guilt-tripped Hollywood.

They call it the “Great Reset,” an opportunistic power grab by the international oligarchy to finally destroy the nation-state in the name of global governance, whose motto, like the Left’s, is “by any means necessary,” which very much includes both COVID-19 and “global warming” in their tactical philosophy. As Matthew 7:16 says, “By their fruits shall ye know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”

So it is with the thorn-and-thistle-strewn 5,593-page “stimulus” bill, which includes $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan and a whole section on “horseracing integrity and safety.” Their contempt for you is a bitter mockery of the Founders’ aspirations to republican democracy, pearls before swine except the “pearls” are faux and the swine are you. Trump should veto it immediately.

This is what comes of a country that purports to be “of laws, not men,” but is in fact a nation of lawyers, not men. Rather, America was first imagined and then created by European intellectuals, artists, statesmen—patriots with both taste and rifles. Men came first, then the laws that they made—not the other way around. That we are “a nation of laws, not men” is one of the stupidest clichés around, as is the idea that America is a “notional” country to which anyone can belong upon a pledge—however dishonestly made—to uphold the Constitution.

On the contrary, the United States of America was founded on the principles of the English and Scottish Enlightenment—settled not colonized (unlike the Spanish possessions in the New World)—with an eye to creating something never before seen in the history of the world: A self-governing land, ruled by neither by pompadoured potentates nor periwigged black robes but by the citizenry.

In other words, we are not subjects of a “notional” nation, but one with a direct, easily provable Anglo-European inheritance. A free country created by free men, who over the course of two and a half centuries have established laws to serve their vision of freedom and liberty within the framework of a Constitution written by dead white male property owners who put their lives on the line for the good of all.

When those laws or the “interpretations” thereof constrain freedom and liberty upon which the country was founded, they can and should be ignored and abolished.

What would the Founders have said to Covid? To panic? To fear? During a yellow fever pandemic, Americans moved our capital from Philadelphia to the new shining city on a hill, Washington. During the darkest hours of the War of 1812, President James Madison and, later, his wife, Dolley, fled a burning White House, taking with her copies of Gilbert Stuart’s portrait of George Washington and the Declaration of Independence. Can we do any less?

Now our elected representatives machinate against us. The Supreme Court, led by the moral and intellectual weakling John Roberts (a Bush appointee, of course), reject the plain language of the Constitution in order to preserve its “institutional legitimacy”—never mind the plain language of Article Three, which even a lawyer ought to be able to comprehend, but willfully won’t.

In short, they laugh in our faces and ask us to beg for more. And then they leave $600 on the dresser for us to shut up and go away. There’s a word for people who take that deal. Are you one of them?

Stimulus Bill Stimulates Congress’s Lust for Power
Michael Walsh
December 22, 2020 Updated: December 22, 2020
Spending trillions to combat the COVID -19 fraud is not even unconstitutional charity, it is a political hustle designed by the power hungry New World Order crowd.

My gal Judi nails the lying thief pretty good:

Before even getting sworn in as president, ‘president-elect’ Joe Biden has become the Darth Vader Scaremonger of All Time.

Biden wants the masses to believe that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, no hope and only frightening darkness ahead.

Headed for an inauguration that may or may not happen, he warns the “darkest days” of the coronavirus pandemic are still to come.

He is, in effect, saying that if the Coronavirus didn’t get you yet, it will, any day now over this darkest of winters.

Using the coronavirus jab as a photo op on live television, Biden took the same vaccination he accused President Donald Trump of failing to produce

Why this need for scaremongering all the way to home base?!

Using the coronavirus jab as a photo op on live television, Biden took the same vaccination he accused President Donald Trump of failing to produce, causing some to think it may have only been water.

“I look forward to the second shot, and I have absolute confidence in the vaccine,” Biden said. “But we’re in short supply.” (Star Tribune, Dec. 22, 2020)

Live television or not, It was the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed that enabled Biden to take the jab—nothing that he brought about himself.

About the spread of the pandemic, Biden uses the same scaremongering of the mainstream and social media— 321,000 Coronavirus deaths, a steady death increase which has been pushed by the Drudge Report every day since the first breakout.

“Our darkest days in the battle against Covid are ahead of us, not behind us,” he said at a year-end news conference in Wilmington, Delaware.” (Bloomberg, Dec. 22, 2020)

Even now that the vaccine is being made available to millions?

“More than 18 million Americans have been infected with the virus and more than 321,000 have died.” (Bloomberg)

Less than ten Americans actually died of coronavirus.

Is this what Pelosi meant by “always praying” for Donald Trump?

But according to doomsayer Biden, your turn is coming in this “darkest of winters”.

Has anyone noticed that It’s not the masses but the Democrats who are hitting panic mode?

How else to explain that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is not waiting for President Trump to walk out of the White House on his own—but will drag him out “by his hair, his little hands and his feet”?

“I’m counting down the hours ‘til he’s gone,” Pelosi told her leadership team over the weekend, as reported by Politico. “I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands and his feet.”

If the media-anointed president-elect is to be duly sworn in as president on Jan. 20, why would a departing President Trump have to be dragged out by his hair by Pelosi?!

Is this what Pelosi meant by “always praying” for Donald Trump?

Then when President Trump raised the Coronavirus Relief Fund — from $600 to $2,000 for Americans, Democrats seized upon it making it appear as if it was THEIR idea!

The amount is meaningless. No matter how much of your money the parasites give you, the amount is not enough to buy your freedom.

Anybody who accepts hush money from Chinless and Diarrhea Mouth would be fools not to cash the check —— so long as they know they are selling their freedom on the cheap.

Their idea was giving billions to foreign entities while doling out a meagre $600 apiece to their own citizens.

Biden and Company will go on putting “getting even with President Trump and his voters and supporters first!

“Like all compromises, this is far from perfect,” Biden said. “Congress did their job this week, and I can and I must ask them to do it again next year.” (Star Tribune)

“The president-elect also expressed empathy for families who have struggled this year through the pandemic and resulting economic uncertainty. He singled out in particular frontline workers, scientists, researchers, clinical trial participants and those with deployed family members during the holiday season.

“Our hearts are always with you — keep the faith,” said Biden, even as he warned that the nation faces a “dark winter.”

“He urged Americans to continue to take precautions, particularly during the holidays when many typically come together with family and friends. Noting the ways that the pandemic has altered his own holiday celebrations, which typically include up to two dozen relatives, Biden said “not this year.”

The people Joe Biden is supposed to represent as president are not afraid of him, not quaking in worn-down boots.

No matter what happens on Jan. 20, they will go on putting God, family and country first.

Biden and Company will go on putting “getting even with President Trump and his voters and supporters first!

Patriots to Bully Biden: Quit with the fear mongering because we are not afraid of you!”

Patriots: 'Quit With The Fear Mongering, Joe, We’re Not Afraid Of You!'
By Judi McLeod
December 23, 2020
Trump lacks the political courage to veto this bill regardless of his public relations threat:

School choice advocates are upset that the new stimulus package adopted by Congress provides $54 billion for K-12 schools that governors are prohibited spending for "vouchers, tuition tax credit programs, education savings accounts, scholarship programs, or tuition assistance programs for elementary and secondary education."

Studies, including one highlighted by the Brookings Institution, show that minority parents, including black and Latino Democrats, are more supportive of school choice than white Democrats.

The Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund was created in March with the COVID-19 CARES Act, the earlier coronavirus stimulus bill. Some governors used GEER funding to begin or widen school choice programs.

“Ultimately, the federal Democratic lawmakers in the House were completely in the grips of the teachers' unions and the superintendents' lobbyists,” Tommy Schultz, vice president of communications and marketing at the American Federation for Children, told Just the News on Wednesday. “Those special interest groups maneuvered in every way possible to make sure that families wouldn't be given funding to control and customize their children's education amidst the disruptions from the school lockdowns. Thus, with the House controlling this push, led by a Speaker who ironically went to private schools and sent her children to private schools, it's no surprise that it ended up restricting governors' abilities to utilize funding for creative educational options.”

The Federation noted in a statement Tuesday that some of the $54 billion-- $2.75 billion--was set aside for non-public schools that previously participated in the Paycheck Protection Program. And though that $2.75 billion for is only 5 percent of what public schools will receive, even though non-public schools educate 10 percent of K-12 students, the Federation still called the set aside and “unprecedented and a major win for non-public schools and families.”

“At certain points, there wasn't any funding set aside for non-public schools, or there were other unfavorable and uneven restrictions for families and schools,” Schultz said. “Given that at least there was some funding set aside for education, both for public and non-public schools, the bigger ticket items in the rest of the bill consumed most of the negotiations.”

President Trump on Tuesday evening issued a veto threat of the coronavirus stimulus bill, calling it a “disgrace,” but his video remarks in opposition to the bill did not mention education. Trump said the bill was unfocused and loaded with foreign aid and unrelated expenses that go far beyond a narrow focus on relief for pandemic-related pain.

“The president's message may have extended the window for tweaks so we'll see what might happen in the next 24 hours,” Schultz said Wednesday afternoon.

Ray Domanico, senior fellow and director of Education Policy and the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, told Just the News on Wednesday that “The Democratic Party’s opposition to school choice and religious schools apparently knows no bounds. In these extraordinary times, many private and religious schools have stepped up to provide high quality instruction while too many public school districts appear to be losing students in record numbers due to uneven responses to the pandemic.”

Max Eden, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research said “Democrats dug in their heels,” to prevent any voucher funding, and that Republicans didn’t push back enough.

“There long has been a profound asymmetry in Congress on education: Democrats care immensely about it, whereas for Republicans it's an afterthought,” Eden told Just the News on Wednesday. “Hill veterans I consulted with were still, however, frankly surprised at just how strongly Democrats dug in their heels to prevent money from flowing to parents and private schools in this bill. So, this is not a surprising development, but it's still terribly disappointing - especially as a coda to an administration that had repeatedly promised to use the levers of federal power to expand school choice.”

Robert Enlow, President and CEO of EdChoice, told Just the News that although there is some small support for private schools in the bill, it also blocks the ability of state and local officials to fund families directly.

“The pandemic affected all families, not just those using the district school system, so it's unfortunate that Congress continues to put politics and ideology before children,” Enlow said. “Emergency aid should follow students to the learning environments that are providing for their needs during these trying times.

School choice activists upset COVID-19 stimulus bans governors from funding vouchers
By Carrie Sheffield
Updated: December 23, 2020 - 11:02pm

Naturally, the douche bag in the White House dare not cite James Madison when he signs the latest spending bill with the same pen he uses to sign everything else the Parasite Class sends to him. Note that ol’ yellowstain already gave socialized medicine parasites THREE TRILLION dollars. A $600 check out of $900,000,000 income tax dollars is nothing more than a sop to silence objections until the 2020 election is settled by none other than U.S. Supreme Court parasites.

Public school parasites should not get another penny from the federal government:

1. The federal government has no constitutional authority to be in education let alone control it.

2. Public School parasites, i.e. teachers, received TRILLIONS of dollars from state, local, and the federal government yet American school children grew dumber and dumber while UNIONIZED teachers got richer and richer.

3. Most of those TRILLIONS since the LBJ years was spent on Socialist propaganda.

4. Public school parasites failed at their only reason for their existence —— teach children the:

Note that parasite teachers are paid to teach these Three R’s

Aside from home-schooled kids escaping Socialist brainwashing, public school educators have been writing off the “wrong children” children for at least four generations. Why waste time teaching young children a solid foundation in the three R’s when they show no aptitude for Socialism/Communism at a very early age. It does not take a genius to distinguish the “right children” thriving in an institutional setting beginning in the kindergarten.

As for the undeserving, they are given obedience training that passes for education. In simple terms a prison is every institution unmasked —— more so in today’s public schools.
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Naturally, the douche bag in the White House dare not cite James Madison when he signs the latest spending bill with the same pen he uses to sign everything else the Parasite Class sends to him. Note that ol’ yellowstain already gave socialized medicine parasites THREE TRILLION dollars. A $600 [$2,000] check out of $900,000,000 income tax dollars is nothing more than a sop to silence objections until the 2020 election is settled by none other than U.S. Supreme Court parasites.

President Donald Trump on Sunday evening signed the $2.3 trillion pandemic relief and spending bill after reaching an agreement with Congress over stimulus checks, Section 230, and voter fraud, the White House said.

Trump’s signing of the bill, which includes a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package, . . .

Trump Signs $2.3 Trillion Relief and Spending Bill, Says More Money to Come
By Janita Kan
December 27, 2020 Updated: December 27, 2020

The asshole knew pig shit was also in the bill:
but he signed it anyway.

UNBELIEVABLE. In all of the parasite bills Trump signed he never found anything to veto worse than this:

Trump rejected the defense bill last week, saying it failed to limit social media companies he claims were biased against him during his failed reelection campaign.

House votes to override Trump's veto of defense bill
AOL Associated Press
December 28, 2020, 6:29 PM

NOTE: Trump vetoing Big Tech for any reason is okay, but he is 4 years too late to undo the damage he did by signing funding bills —— most especially funding everything connected to the COVID-19 fraud.

Incidentally, Trump should write an EO that reaffirms lock down and Fauci’s masks are unconstitutional.
The best way to combat media oversight is for every conservative with a following on Twitter and Facebook begin identifying the swamp as the Parasite Class.

Facebook and Twitter are no place for smart people.