Systemic Racism

Too bad the argument is presented as a Pygmalion. In logical fallacies it is confirmation bias. The presenter gives you one set of cherry picked conditions applied to a pre-chosen set of baseline conditions that result in the desired outcome. In this case, proof that racism is systemic.

Instead, the situation is far more nuanced and complex than they way it is presented.

For example in education...

A few decades ago, a rich White couple adopted the 5th grade class of an inner city school in Philadelphia. They offered the 119 students in the that grade at that school a "free ride" in education. They'd provide the money to cover the costs of everything for those students from tutors to college to getting a PhD if the student wanted it. The only conditions were the students had to stay out of criminal trouble, avoid gangs, drugs, that sort of thing. Otherwise, they got a free ride in school. The parents could have taken their kids out of that school and put them in the best private schools everything payed for.

The class was tracked through adulthood. They did no better or worse than any other inner city school class in terms of outcomes. Money in education made nearly ZERO difference.

Same thing happened in a St. Louis school district back in the 80's. A federal judge ordered the school district to spend what it took to bring their schools up to the best standards in the state. The district hired the best teachers at much higher pay, built "Taj Mahal" schools with all sorts of extras like a TV and radio station, well equipped computer labs, you-name-it.
After a decade of massively increased property taxes to pay for this, the outcome was that grades and student performance declined. All the more affluent people in the district moved away because they couldn't afford the taxes. The students going to the schools didn't change. All that money--over a billion dollars--did nothing.

I give these two examples as a counter argument to the video's simplistic argument about education. Education starts in the home, not at a public school. You can't overcome (well in the great majority of cases) a poor home life for a student. If that student, for example, grew up in a home where there were no books, no magazines, the parents were uninterested anything educational, and watching silliness on television was the main form of entertainment that student is at a huge disadvantage in school. If the parents work all the time and have little or no interest in their children's education another big disadvantage is heaped on the student.

None of that has to with race. It has everything to do with family values, and societal norms. Yet, the video pins all this on "systemic racism." That's total BS.
There's absolutely no truth at all too this video.

When I was in grade school right around the 4th of July. If you wanted
a pack of firecrackers, bottle rockets or sparklers. You were able to buy
them at the corner store.

If you live in an industrial area the taxes are much lower
and the population is much higher. If you're trying to compare
percentages, there's no accuracy.

Rural - Suburbs - City

100,000 people live in an industrial area, 20,000 Irish people are unemployed - That's 20 percent
20,000 people live in a non industrial area and 4,000 Irish people are unemployed - That's 20 percent