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Just saw smartest guys in the Room.
It's way past appauling what the three main guys did, but 10x worse than the very bad I had heard. Dozens more should have gone to jail.
I said early on that Author Anderson should not have taken the fall, that the investment bankers and lawyers should have gone to jail too. Upon seeing the movie they got what they asked for.
Myryll Lynch and Citi Bank should have :shock: gone down too.
No shots. I didn't know how absolutely crazy it was until I saw that a while ago. Their methodology of Mark to market accounting was absolutely absurd. How does one get back up for a made up number?
USC is right, the Health South CEO got himself like a hundred million bonus for one year. WTF?

Enron was also cutting off electricity physically at plants to drive up prices on a baked up rolling outage fraud.
USC is right, the Health South CEO got himself like a hundred million bonus for one year. WTF?

Enron was also cutting off electricity physically at plants to drive up prices on a baked up rolling outage fraud.

USC is right!!! Darn I am getting chest pains and feeling faint......
I left out the tight link to the Bush's with Lay.
Saw a video were Senior was all goo goo over Lay's assistant like he was a long time family friend.