Taking a dog named Shark to the beach is not a good idea


Black Kitty Ain't Happy

Translation: Pedo Don is a traitor

Agreed but that's off topic.

The Jaws beach scene was great for several reasons: https://www.vox.com/2015/3/30/8311209/jaws-breakdown-beach-scene

It was filmed at Martha's Vineyard. Photos of then and now: https://www.hgtv.com/lifestyle/real...m-jaws-and-what-they-look-like-today-pictures

It was also filmed in May when the water is considerably colder than on the Fourth of July. https://doyouremember.com/62828/40-things-probably-never-knew-jaws/4
The water during the 4th of July scene was a brisk 64 degrees.
Due to the water’s less-than-ideal temperature, the beachgoing extras had more than a little motivation to leave the water as soon as possible.

10 Best Scenes in Jaws: https://screenrant.com/jaws-most-iconic-moments-ranked-steven-spielberg-movie/ I agree with #1 Quint’s Indianapolis Speech. The sharing of scars scene right before it was very funny including Brody's appendectomy scar which he didn't show.

FWIW, I don't have any tattoos. I collect scars. LOL