APP - Talk about "tax cuts/subsidies for the rich"



You don't get anything bigger than what the Fed has been doing since 2009. They are robbing people blind by:

1) devaluing the dollar
2) crushing those who save and are on fixed incomes
3) imposing a tax burden on future generations

This is nothing more than an act to shield the rich from any losses, just like their bond buying scheme for the last 7 years. I predicted a long time ago that the Fed would ALWAYS have an excuse to not raise interest rates. They can't of course come out and say that they won't do it because then the jig would be up. They rely on the ignorance of voters by using words like "quantitative easing" instead of "printing money". Even the most ignorant among us know what printing money means. But quantitative easing sounds like one of those things only the wizards of smart can know.

Oddly enough you hear nary a peep out of JPP leftists from this massive give away to the rich. Maybe the issues are too complex for them to understand? Maybe they would see it as criticizing Obama and they can never bring themselves to do that?

Whatever the reason they are getting hosed just like everyone else
The 85 billion a month we are printing and giving to wall street is just mind blowing. Yet those who moan loudest about income inequality never mention this which is the largest driver.
The 85 billion a month we are printing and giving to wall street is just mind blowing. Yet those who moan loudest about income inequality never mention this which is the largest driver.

Their silence is deafening. I suspect their silence is due to two factors

1) They really don't understand what is going on. There is a lot of financial ignorance out there, particularly on JPP (they think Keynesian economics is a long term strategy)
2) They see anything negative as a dig against Obama and that is racist. They don't want to be racist