Talkin Trash

we recycle alluminum cans and plastic bottles....5 cents a can/bottle up here, we get at recycling centers, and corregated cardboard at the trash dump gets us free trash dumping....oh and we turn in our used batteries/thermometers there for proper disposal...
My development tries to make you recycle, but I put everything together in one big plastic bag and I giggle.

Must be a bit of Republican genetics in there somewhere.

I recycle , aluminum, corrugated cardboard and glass. that is all my county is currently handling.

Ohh I recycled my wife for reuse too, almost forgot that.
Must be a bit of Republican genetics in there somewhere.

I recycle , aluminum, corrugated cardboard and glass. that is all my county is currently handling.

Ohh I recycled my wife for reuse too, almost forgot that.

I'll bet you really giggled then!

sorry I am not that desparate for a nickle..and by the way all county dumps recycle all their need to is done on site!:readit:
i recycle alot... all your avg stuff plus pc's, tvs, all sorts of electronics, lawnmowers and just about anything with a small engine, furniture, hell even dirt. you can make some good $$.
So you own a dump?

i recycle alot... all your avg stuff plus pc's, tvs, all sorts of electronics, lawnmowers and just about anything with a small engine, furniture, hell even dirt. you can make some good $$.

cool...thats what I am talking about...quantity not quality...or something like that!:cof1:
At least I was correct and not "right".

LOL.. wel actuly i dissagree, we were both wrong, if either gore or kerry were in office i belive we would have a similer if not the same or worse situation we have.. except less people would be complaining about it.
I disagree of course Bob, I do not think we would have invaded Iraq without Bush in there. Pretty much everything else would be the same...Butt then perhaps 911 would not have happened if Bush had not been elected as long as we are whatiffin.
We have to take stuff to the recycling center but we accumulate and then deliver aluminum cans, plastic, glass, etc. We save wood for the fireplace. I've also switched, as much as possible (won't throw out a functioning light bulb) to energy saver lightbulbs.
I try to reuse whatever is feasible in, perhaps, another form.