Tammy Faye Baker Expires

Saw her on Larry King Live the other day...

damn she looked like death warmed over..kinda like doniston...albeit she was not popular with the Code Pink crowd....I won't attack someone who is deceased...;)
peace to those who pass on this mortal coil.

I hope what ever the great mystery turns out to be that she learned the nessesary lessons her life offered.
Oh yeah Baby...........

peace to those who pass on this mortal coil.

I hope what ever the great mystery turns out to be that she learned the nessesary lessons her life offered.

Being from Lost Wages(LV) ya would know all about lessons in life!...lmao
The drugs of choice for all churchies. Prescription types....
Moremoans love em, Utah has the highest prescription drug abuse rate of the entire country. Ky is second I think.
Well, I saw her on a reality TV show, she seemed like a pretty decent person. I was saddened to see her look so frail and a little saddened to see her pass. I wish her family all the best.

I only wish those polyps turned out to..............nevermind........
Well, I saw her on a reality TV show, she seemed like a pretty decent person. I was saddened to see her look so frail and a little saddened to see her pass. I wish her family all the best.

I only wish those polyps turned out to..............nevermind........

No you don't Desh. Bush would have gained sympathy points.

Doctors determined that the polyps were caused by suction.....
Okee Dokee then..!

The drugs of choice for all churchies. Prescription types....
Moremoans love em, Utah has the highest prescription drug abuse rate of the entire country. Ky is second I think.

ask a simple question and get a political response...so the Mormon Choir and CW music performers abuse Rx drugs? and like 'Acid Rock' performers are just cool lib's with all the answers...I see... what the hell was I thinking asking a simple question!:rolleyes:
Umm this is a political board BB, what did you expect ?

I don't visit this site to discuss the cost of grass seed.
ask a simple question and get a political response...so the Mormon Choir and CW music performers abuse Rx drugs? and like 'Acid Rock' performers are just cool lib's with all the answers...I see... what the hell was I thinking asking a simple question!:rolleyes:

What are you babbling about again? This doesn't even make sense.