Tancredo to Retire From House at End of Next Term


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Rep. Tancredo to Retire From House at End of Next Term

Monday, October 29, 2007

DENVER — Rep. Tom Tancredo plans to leave the U.S. House of Representatives at the end of 2008, whether his longshot presidential bid is successful or not, the Rocky Mountain News reported.

"It's the fact that I really believe I have done all I can do in the House, especially about the issue about which I care greatly (immigration)," Tancredo, 61, told the newspaper Sunday night.

Tancredo, R-Colo., has been an outspoken opponent of illegal immigration. He is in his fifth term in the House.

Hey Damo! Here's your opening! Run for his seat, pretend you're against Bush's war, pretend you're for SCHIP, but then vote to rubberstamp the republican agenda all the way. :cof1:

(just teasing)
Hey Damo! Here's your opening! Run for his seat, pretend you're against Bush's war, pretend you're for SCHIP, but then vote to rubberstamp the republican agenda all the way. :cof1:

(just teasing)
Not my chance yet. I'm betting that Debbie Stafford is pissed that she changed over to D now though.
Given that you are in the loop... who IS in line to run for the R's, as that is my rep
This will take the guys by surprise. They were already scrambling for somebody to run against Debbie Stafford's spot that will be vacated, and after she resigns early next year, will have been filled by a D who can run for 4 terms.

This will be an interesting one. I'd run for the state seat, but if you are not an incumbent you are likely to spend at least 25K of your own cash, I don't have that kind of liquidity at this time, nor do I want to create it.
This will take the guys by surprise. They were already scrambling for somebody to run against Debbie Stafford's spot that will be vacated, and after she resigns early next year, will have been filled by a D who can run for 4 terms.

This will be an interesting one. I'd run for the state seat, but if you are not an incumbent you are likely to spend at least 25K of your own cash, I don't have that kind of liquidity at this time, nor do I want to create it.

That is kind of what I thought would be the case, but was hoping it wouldn't be. I too wouldn't want to create the liquidity to run, just to end up in the cesspool of politics.

But I would be all about spending someone else's money :D

*line for bribes starts..... HERE*
Rep. Tancredo to Retire From House at End of Next Term

Monday, October 29, 2007

DENVER — Rep. Tom Tancredo plans to leave the U.S. House of Representatives at the end of 2008, whether his longshot presidential bid is successful or not, the Rocky Mountain News reported.

"It's the fact that I really believe I have done all I can do in the House, especially about the issue about which I care greatly (immigration)," Tancredo, 61, told the newspaper Sunday night.

Tancredo, R-Colo., has been an outspoken opponent of illegal immigration. He is in his fifth term in the House.


Truly, a great day for America!
This will take the guys by surprise. They were already scrambling for somebody to run against Debbie Stafford's spot that will be vacated, and after she resigns early next year, will have been filled by a D who can run for 4 terms.

This will be an interesting one. I'd run for the state seat, but if you are not an incumbent you are likely to spend at least 25K of your own cash, I don't have that kind of liquidity at this time, nor do I want to create it.

Run as a Republican, right?

If you ran as a Libertarian, well, you really wouldn't be EXPECTED to keep up much of a campaign...
RS, though, once ran for a state seat as a Libertarian, and captured 17% of the vote, which is amazing for a libertarian. He would've swept the district had he had an "R" or a "D" by his name.
I've now worked for several Libertarians, 3 Republicans, and a Democrat on their campaigns.


In Mississippi you'd have the benefit of fusion voting...

You could run as Libertarian and something else. Which would at least mean you wouldn't be considered a spoiler. That's how our only Libertarian elected official in Mississippi go elected, I assume. Still, running for a state house seat is no small task. Especially if you were running against a Republican incumbent.

Have you ever considered running, Warren? You're the leader of the college libertarians at your U, no?

In Mississippi you'd have the benefit of fusion voting...

You could run as Libertarian and something else. Which would at least mean you wouldn't be considered a spoiler. That's how our only Libertarian elected official in Mississippi go elected, I assume. Still, running for a state house seat is no small task. Especially if you were running against a Republican incumbent.

Have you ever considered running, Warren? You're the leader of the college libertarians at your U, no?

I really really want to. I've made the neccessary instate connections with the political establishment should I ever need to pursue that route. I've also considered Florida, as I've mentioned before my father is a personal friend and former schoolmate of the current Republican Governor.
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