Tappy wants his job back

He is reconsidering his "intent" to resign in September? What a shocker!

This guy is insane.
He is reconsidering his "intent" to resign in September? What a shocker!

This guy is insane.

I guess I'm nearly alone on this, but in my opinion the guy was the victim of police entrapment, and his buddies in the Senate sold him down the river so fast they should die of shame.

I read that Arlen Specter called him up and backed him on this. Maybe he has some decency in him, and a little loyality. Shit, I wouldn't sell out a friend like that, no way.
Have you guys ever gotten a arrest ticket for like underage drinking or fake id?.. the mailing that says pay the $100 fine and plead guilty on the back of this ticket and mail it in versus asking for a court hearing?

Not defending him here but just something to think about.
I guess I'm nearly alone on this, but in my opinion the guy was the victim of police entrapment, and his buddies in the Senate sold him down the river so fast they should die of shame.

I read that Arlen Specter called him up and backed him on this. Maybe he has some decency in him, and a little loyality. Shit, I wouldn't sell out a friend like that, no way.
I don't think it was entrapment and do think that he would win in court because there is reasonable doubt. But his attempt to keep it from the public eye was a classic cover move. I don't think our leaders should have things that they are that desperate to hide, I think it causes problems and levers that enable others to control them.
He wants to recall his plea who is suprised he wants to recall his resignation.

He is a flip-flopper! TYPICAL REPUBLICAN!
I guess I'm nearly alone on this, but in my opinion the guy was the victim of police entrapment, and his buddies in the Senate sold him down the river so fast they should die of shame.

I read that Arlen Specter called him up and backed him on this. Maybe he has some decency in him, and a little loyality. Shit, I wouldn't sell out a friend like that, no way.

Legally speaking its not entrapment!
I don't think it was entrapment and do think that he would win in court because there is reasonable doubt. But his attempt to keep it from the public eye was a classic cover move. I don't think our leaders should have things that they are that desperate to hide, I think it causes problems and levers that enable others to control them.

Well, I think it was classic entrapment, but I do agree he was doing what it appeared he was doing.

He has a family, I can understand his lying. I just think criminalizing sexual behavior is stupid. And I think the fact that almost no one, in fact up until Specter, no one, stood up for this guy, and in fact, kicked him while he was down, is shameful.
I don't think it was entrapment and do think that he would win in court because there is reasonable doubt. But his attempt to keep it from the public eye was a classic cover move. I don't think our leaders should have things that they are that desperate to hide, I think it causes problems and levers that enable others to control them.

Option #1) sign the back of the ticket and pay the $100 fine

Option #2) appear before the court magistrate.. becomes visible to the public.
Legally speaking its not entrapment!

You mean technically because the cop didn't come out and say "can you blow me?" But then, neither did Craig come out and ask did he?

The whole thing was done with silent signals and when a cop is sitting in a bathroom all day waiting for someone to peek in on him, then that strikes me as entrapment, in spirit.
Option #1) sign the back of the ticket and pay the $100 fine

Option #2) appear before the court magistrate.. becomes visible to the public.
If he was innocent, option 2 is always the best answer if you are a Senator.

Option 1 simply gives your opponents either a lever for control "If you don't, then we'll bring this out." or it is held out for election time and suddenly comes to light and ends your career. In his position option 2 is the only viable option.
For entrapment, the police have to encourage someone to do something they would not normally have done. They have to create a crime that was not intended. Merely providing the motive, a good looking undercover cop in the bathroom) is not entrapment.

I dont belive the police should be waisting time and money doing this, but its not entrapment!
For entrapment, the police have to encourage someone to do something they would not normally have done. They have to create a crime that was not intended. Merely providing the motive, a good looking undercover cop in the bathroom) is not entrapment.

I dont belive the police should be waisting time and money doing this, but its not entrapment!

Got it.
Example 1

Undercover cop posing as a prostitute...
Customer comes up and says, "Ill give you $20.00 for stright sex"

Example 2

Undercover cop posing as a prostitute...
Customer engages in conversation, cop says, "Hey I really need some work, how about sex for $20.00" Customer, "No thanks, I am a married man." Prostitute, "Come on, you will really enjoy it, I am the best!" Customer, "Well okay, this once!"


Its a fine line!
This isn't really entrapment, but it definitely qualifies as "tempest in a teacup." A guy's life shouldn't be ruined over something like this.

Still, I take some solace in the fact that Craig was doing the usual right-wing "projection" thing about gay/family values issues.
This isn't really entrapment, but it definitely qualifies as "tempest in a teacup." A guy's life shouldn't be ruined over something like this.

Still, I take some solace in the fact that Craig was doing the usual right-wing "projection" thing about gay/family values issues.

I agree!
This isn't really entrapment, but it definitely qualifies as "tempest in a teacup." A guy's life shouldn't be ruined over something like this.

Still, I take some solace in the fact that Craig was doing the usual right-wing "projection" thing about gay/family values issues.

Yes, if he wasn't such a pious sob, it would be worse.
His whole wishy washiness on his plea, resignation and sexuality prove the guy is not fit for office.

I understand the plea. People plead guilty all the time for things they did not do. But, this guy can't seem to make up his mind about what he wants and take a stand on it.
His whole wishy washiness on his plea, resignation and sexuality prove the guy is not fit for office.

I understand the plea. People plead guilty all the time for things they did not do. But, this guy can't seem to make up his mind about what he wants and take a stand on it.
Well, the other twelve people that live in Iowa don't want the job.