Targeting Americans


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I recently saw a segment on 60 Minutes with the same title. In it they spoke of the "Havana Syndrome." As it turns out, some U.S. agents, diplomats and sometimes their families have been getting zapped with some sort of Russian secret weapon. Which it seems can permanently maim them. Mu guess is that it is some sort of pulsed MASER. But officially the U.S. is too pussified to admit to it. Because then they would have to do something about it. Here is the video. You should find it interesting.

I recently saw a segment on 60 Minutes with the same title. In it they spoke of the "Havana Syndrome." As it turns out, some U.S. agents, diplomats and sometimes their families have been getting zapped with some sort of Russian secret weapon. Which it seems can permanently maim them. Mu guess is that it is some sort of pulsed MASER. But officially the U.S. is too pussified to admit to it. Because then they would have to do something about it. Here is the video. You should find it interesting.


This claim/theory was debunked a long time ago....this is "Russia is Evil" propaganda from the CIA.
Western weapons proved to be generally not fit for purpose in Ukraine, just the latest in a long list of wars we have lost.

Buckle Up.
"Until which time the US can develop, produce and deploy missile defense systems capable of defeating the new missile technology being deployed by nations like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea, US military power projection capabilities are in a state of checkmate by America’s potential adversaries."
Here's the thing: in the last decade we've seen on 60 Minutes and PBS (as well as some magazines, like Popular Mechanics) where local police departments will test microwave emitters for crowd control that "heat up" a body, causing people to flee. So this video is not so far fetched.

The “Experts” are finally admitting that Russia is winning the war in Ukraine, but they are still lying about why. The reason is not congressional inaction over further funding. The reason is that Russia has more manpower than Ukraine; it produces more artillery than the West; and it has air superiority. Russia has been using its air power to devastate Ukrainian infrastructure and military positions with enormous FAB bombs. The US doesn’t produce enough air defense to change that reality, especially in light of all the competing demands for that limited supply. In any event, what will happen now is that the Ukraine funding bill will pass, but it won’t change the outcome of the war. What it will do is line a lot of pockets, perhaps for the final time, which is the real objective here.