Tax payers dont want the bailout


Abreast of the situations
I bet the tax payers would want it if they went to the atm and they couldn't get there money.. which is what would have happened if the money markets failed.

President Bush petitioned Congress for the authority to spend up to $700 billion to to bail out a financial industry on the verge of collapse and said the high price tag was not only justified, but essential. Some taxpayers disagree. "NO NO NO. Not just no, but H*** NO," writes Richard, a reader from Anchorage, Alaska. "It's our money! Let these companies die," added Claudio from Plainville, Connecticut.
I bet the tax payers would want it if they went to the atm and they couldn't get there money.. which is what would have happened if the money markets failed.

President Bush petitioned Congress for the authority to spend up to $700 billion to to bail out a financial industry on the verge of collapse and said the high price tag was not only justified, but essential. Some taxpayers disagree. "NO NO NO. Not just no, but H*** NO," writes Richard, a reader from Anchorage, Alaska. "It's our money! Let these companies die," added Claudio from Plainville, Connecticut.

Fearmongering emoconism.

Most peoples teller type depostis are insured by FDIC. None of us are saying to renig on FDIC.

Your ass is owned.
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if money markets fail it will be indymac all over the country. Good luck getting thru the 800 hotline.. hope you have a few grand in a safe to wait it out.
if money markets fail it will be indymac all over the country. Good luck getting thru the 800 hotline.. hope you have a few grand in a safe to wait it out.

Money markets will be guaranteed by the govt, as long as they existed prior to 9/19/08
I bet the tax payers would want it if they went to the atm and they couldn't get there money.. which is what would have happened if the money markets failed.

President Bush petitioned Congress for the authority to spend up to $700 billion to to bail out a financial industry on the verge of collapse and said the high price tag was not only justified, but essential. Some taxpayers disagree. "NO NO NO. Not just no, but H*** NO," writes Richard, a reader from Anchorage, Alaska. "It's our money! Let these companies die," added Claudio from Plainville, Connecticut.
Yeah, it's soooo much better for the government to take money from taxpayers, and then give it back to them and act like it's a fuc'king gift! Garbage.