Tax Software


JPP Modarater
I used Turbo Tax last year and was pleased with it. Does anyone recommend anything else besides TT?
you're right rob...the 1040EZ doesn't require turbo tax... (that's why they call it EZ....get it?)
and tiana...I, too, use turbo tax and have for the last five years.... the cool thing is that it uploads all sorts of stuff from your previous year's return so you don't have to reenter it.
you're right rob...the 1040EZ doesn't require turbo tax... (that's why they call it EZ....get it?)
and tiana...I, too, use turbo tax and have for the last five years.... the cool thing is that it uploads all sorts of stuff from your previous year's return so you don't have to reenter it.

i'm probably better off sticking with Turbo then.
Taxes suck. When I looked at how much Uncle Sam got this year, I wanted to cry.:cry:
I used Turbo Tax last year and was pleased with it. Does anyone recommend anything else besides TT?
I love Turbo Tax. I use the online one... It's awesome, it keeps track of such things as stock loss that you can only take so much per year for a certain amount of time... You don't have to pull out the last year's records or anything. I highly recommend it.
oh yes we do.

T... turbo tax is the best software out there in my opinion. Especially the more complex your taxes become. Certainly don't need it for the EZ.
real men don't need computers for taxes.
LOL! My dad used to say the exact same thing. Now, though, he's moved into the 21st century.

This is exactly the sort of onerous, repetitive, picayune task for which computers were invented in the first place. I see no reason NOT to use a computer. It'd be like insisting on going to a live bank teller for your cash because you don't trust machines and won't use an ATM.
Thanks Klaatu, I'll take a look at Taxact. Although it looks like TT is in the lead :)