Though to whatever degree they may, it is probably next to nothing. Also, the top 1% wouldn't have 99% of the wealth is they were being taxed to any meaningful degree. Another thing is something I had heard about before. Which they also brought up in the documentary "The Corporation." Which every year there are many companies that get away with paying no taxes at all. Also, tax regulations are written by and for the wealthy. There are so many loopholes written into them that I don't see how the wealthy could pay any taxes. On top of that, there are many legal and illegal ways for the wealthy to stash money overseas that is free from taxes.
Another thing is that when I paid taxes on my wages, I got most of it back in my tax refunds. So really, I wasn't really taxed much at all. The government just borrowed my money for a while. Then paid me back in a lump sum. Which allowed me to buy bigger ticket items than I would have normally been able to afford. In that regard, being taxed was actually a good thing. Also, I wonder if the wealthy are subjected to the same process.
Another thing is that when I paid taxes on my wages, I got most of it back in my tax refunds. So really, I wasn't really taxed much at all. The government just borrowed my money for a while. Then paid me back in a lump sum. Which allowed me to buy bigger ticket items than I would have normally been able to afford. In that regard, being taxed was actually a good thing. Also, I wonder if the wealthy are subjected to the same process.