Taylor Reed, Ganstas paradise

What is it about rural women and shoes? I married a farmers daughter and it has to be like 50 below zero before she'll put shoes on. My ex was also a farmers daughter...it had to be 50 below before she'd even put socks on. Then again my ex didn't like wearing underwear either so that was a pretty good trade off.
What is it about rural women and shoes? I married a farmers daughter and it has to be like 50 below zero before she'll put shoes on. My ex was also a farmers daughter...it had to be 50 below before she'd even put socks on. Then again my ex didn't like wearing underwear either so that was a pretty good trade off.

foot fetishes are quite popular. I like it.
Hey this is morphing into a music thread. Here's mine. The sexiest woman singer in the universe.
I'd lay 50 miles of field wire to hear her fart on the phone. Is there any man or some women who would not like to run right into her?

What is it about rural women and shoes? I married a farmers daughter and it has to be like 50 below zero before she'll put shoes on. My ex was also a farmers daughter...it had to be 50 below before she'd even put socks on. Then again my ex didn't like wearing underwear either so that was a pretty good trade off.

LOL. Shoes hurt! You can't feel the soil and grass between your toes with shoes on. You can't feel the texture of Mother Earth's curves and dips with shoes on. You can't pick up a dropped spoon with your toes with shoes on. You can't grip the creek floor with your toes when you wade out, with shoes on. I was raised a suburban kid but with the soul of a wild child. My husband was raised as a farm boy but with the soul of a city dweller. He *never* goes barefoot even in the house. The thought of walking through dew-drenched summer grass barefoot sickens him.

People are weird, and so are we. lol
What is it about rural women and shoes? I married a farmers daughter and it has to be like 50 below zero before she'll put shoes on. My ex was also a farmers daughter...it had to be 50 below before she'd even put socks on. Then again my ex didn't like wearing underwear either so that was a pretty good trade off.

I cannot speak for her, but I noticed she was making heavy use of guitar effects pedals.
I used to play guitar in my socks because I there was more control and a softer touch with the pedals, than with shoes on. Sadly, you can only look so cool in socks, which diminished my delusions of rock star grandeur....