Taylor Swift Hates George Soros


Did you know Taylor Swift Hates George Soros? So there's a common problem with music artists nowadays, that they don't actually have the rights to their music. Prince, Rihanna, Jay Z - They all experienced the same problem. You give the music companies the right to your work - And in exchange, you get a percentage of the music sales. Later on when the artist has enough money, They buy back the rights so they own all their music. Long Story Short - George Soros and some other rich folk have bought the rights to her music and Taylor Swift is Upset.

Did you know Taylor Swift Hates George Soros? So there's a common problem with music artists nowadays, that they don't actually have the rights to their music. Prince, Rihanna, Jay Z - They all experienced the same problem. You give the music companies the right to your work - And in exchange, you get a percentage of the music sales. Later on when the artist has enough money, They buy back the rights so they own all their music. Long Story Short - George Soros and some other rich folk have bought the rights to her music and Taylor Swift is Upset.

And she SHOULD. George Soros is an evil man, who absolutely HATES America. I call him "The Devil Incarnate Himself", the man is an evil, evil bastard. The good thing is the evil one is almost 88 years of age, and won't be on this earth much longer. The bad thing is his son, who is evil like his father, is waiting in the wings to take over the evil bastard's legacy the moment after the bastard draws his last breath.
And she SHOULD. George Soros is an evil man, who absolutely HATES America. I call him "The Devil Incarnate Himself", the man is an evil, evil bastard. The good thing is the evil one is almost 88 years of age, and won't be on this earth much longer. The bad thing is his son, who is evil like his father, is waiting in the wings to take over the evil bastard's legacy the moment after the bastard draws his last breath.

Correction - The evil bastard is almost 90 years of age, so hopefully he won't be on this earth much longer.