TDS and the Radical Right Republicans


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The Radical Right Republicans (the RRRs, AKA the Retrumplicans) like to accuse people who criticize Trump of suffering from TDS (i.e., Trump Derangement Syndrome).

Obviously, the RRRs see the TDS accusation as a “gotcha” thing that they can use to bash (e.g., shame, deride, and demean) people who criticize Trump. (That is SO funny! LOL funny!) And this “gotcha” thing comes from people who want to live in a Trump-created ALTERNATIVE reality, in order to bash people who want to live in the REAL world. (That is SO funny! LOL funny!)

Furthermore, the RRR’s TDS accusation is SO hypocritical. Apparently, the RRRs conveniently forgot about the MANY derangement syndromes that THEY have suffered from for MANY years. Here are some examples:

> The RRRs suffered from BCDS (Bill Clinton Derangement Syndrome): The RRRs suffered from EXTREME BCDS during the eight years of Clinton’s presidency. Driven by their BCDS, they spent most of their time harassing him by trying to dig-up various and sundry “Clinton” scandals. Eventually, they found the “indiscretions in the Oval Office” scandal, and they impeached him for it. (This was REAL “presidential harassment”, unlike Trump’s IMAGINARY “presidential harassment”. And then the RRRs harassed Obama. And now it’s Biden’s turn.)

Because of their BCDS, and because of their TOTAL robotic subservience to Trump, the RRRs have an abnormal view of “impeachable conduct”. That is: They did NOT see Trump’s incitement of the violent Jan6 attack on our Capitol (i.e., an attack on our democracy) as impeachable; but they saw Clinton’s indiscretions in the Oval Office (i.e., NOT an attack on our democracy) as impeachable. (That is SO perverted.)

> The RRRs suffered from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome): The RRRs suffered from EXTREME ODS during the eight years of Obama’s presidency. In fact, after he was elected for his first term, and before he took office, a bunch of RRRs got together and vowed to constantly harass Obama, by opposing everything that he would try to accomplish during his presidency. And they did EXACTLY that for EIGHT years. Bottom line: Driven by their ODS, the RRRs gave new meaning to the “GOP” acronym; that is, the “Gross Obstructionism Party”.

> Driven by his EXTREME jealousy of Obama, Trump has suffered from EXTREME Obama Derangement Syndrome for MANY years. Before he was “president”, he suffered from a bad case of Birther Derangement Disorder. And when he was “president”, because he was jealous of Obama’s accomplishments, he tried to undo all of those accomplishments. Apparently, Trump was also jealous of the accomplishments of our other past presidents and of our forefathers, because he ALSO tried to undo many of their accomplishments (e.g., he tried to undo our democracy; and he is STILL trying to undo it).

> The RRRs suffered from HDS (Hillary Derangement Syndrome): For example:
* They FALSELY accused her of mishandling classified information on her email server: The investigation into that issue found no persuasive evidence of systemic or deliberate mishandling of classified information by her.
* They FALSELY blamed her for the Benghazi incident: The RRR-led Benghazi investigation lasted for over two years; it involved 33 hearings, which followed the investigations by seven other Congressional committees; and it cost around $7 million. The results of the RRR’s investigation: 1 - They found NO evidence of wrongdoing by her. 2 - And then, the RRRs planned to conduct even MORE hearings, if Hillary won the presidential election. In other words, the RRRs planned to constantly harass her about Benghazi during her presidency, even though they couldn’t find any wrongdoing on her part during their first 33 hearings on Benghazi. (That is SO lame.)

> Trump had a BAD case of Hillary Derangement Syndrome during his run against Hillary. It is OBVIOUS why he did. Hillary was INFINITELY MORE qualified to be president than he was, and he KNEW it. So he felt the need to divert the attention of the voters from their respective qualifications; that is:
* Her qualifications: During her eight years as First Lady, she was a politically active First Lady, just like Eleanor Roosevelt; she was a New York Congresswoman; and she was a Secretary of State.
* His qualifications: He ran a small family business that he mismanaged and ran into the ground six times; he played a business man on a “reality” TV show, where he would say “You’re fired!”; he ran the Miss Universe pageants and he was known as a “pageant creep”; he ran a scam university and he defrauded the students (i.e., he was a crook); and he ran a scam charity that he used as his personal piggy bank (i.e., he was a crook).

During his run against Hillary, Trump felt the need to divert the attention of the voters from the fact that he was a crook by accusing her of being a crook (e.g., he called her “crooked Hillary”).

> Trump’s Hillary Derangement Syndrome drove him to FALSELY accuse Hillary of mishandling classified information. However, Trump ACTUALLY mishandled classified information. For example:
* On several occasions, he blurted-out classified information when meeting with foreign leaders. As a result of his blurting, he put our intelligence people, and our intelligence operations, at risk. (This demonstrates why Trump-observers said that he needed “adult supervision”.)
* There were times when Trump’s aides were reluctant to share classified information with him, because they feared that he would leak that information. (Apparently, they saw Trump as a risk to our national security.)
* When he left office, Trump took classified documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. Some of those documents were CLEARLY marked as classified (e.g., Top Secret). (Some people believe that Trump would be willing to sell our national secrets in order to pay-off his legal debts. Is that why he took those classified documents?)

Trump’s FALSE accusations that Hillary mishandled classified information led to “lock her up” chants at his pep rallies. Will his ACTUAL mishandling of classified information lead to “lock HIM up” chants? (Fat chance!)

Apparently, Trump was the Flusher-in-Chief for four years. LOL! There is evidence that he was fond of flushing government documents down the White House toilet. Now we know why he had to flush his toilet 10 to 15 times. LOL! I wonder what was harder to flush down the toilet; unclassified documents or classified documents. LOL! Obviously, the first document that he flushed down the toilet was the Constitution.

> The RRRs are now suffering from BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome): For example:
* After Biden was elected, the RRRs revived their role as the Gross Obstructionism Party, in order to constantly harass Biden by opposing everything that he is trying to accomplish during his presidency. Note: Biden’s bills have benefited the districts of a number of RRRs; and many of those RRRs are now taking credit for those benefits, despite the fact that they voted AGAINST the bills that provided those benefits. (How slimy is that?)
* The RRRs are calling Biden’s desire to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court “affirmative action”. (Apparently, they plan to bash his nominee because she is black.)
* The RRRs like to call Biden “Sleepy Joe”, despite the fact that he is TIRELESSLY working to resolve the MANY serious issues that face our nation; unlike Trump, who spent MUCH of his time TIRELESSLY doing “executive time” (i.e., lying in bed, TIRELESSLY watching TV, and TIRELESSLY eating cheeseburgers).
* The RRRs are attacking Biden because he hasn’t ended the Covid problem, despite the following facts:
- Biden has done FAR MORE to combat Covid than Trump. Trump’s Covid policies included: “it’s fake news”, “it will magically disappear”, “use bleach”, and “you’re on your own”. (So they attack Biden who is trying hard, but not Trump who hardly tried. That is SO hypocritical.)
- And the RRRs are passing pro-Covid laws that will prolong the Covid problem. (So they blame Biden for not ending a problem that they are prolonging. How slimy is that?)

> Trump had a BAD case of Biden Derangement Syndrome during his run against Biden. It is OBVIOUS why he did. Biden was INFINITELY MORE qualified to be president than he was, and Trump KNEW it. So Trump felt the need to divert the attention of the voters from Biden’s qualifications. For example, he tried to coerce the Ukrainian government into digging-up FAKE DIRT on Biden and his son (Hunter), in order use that fake dirt in his ads against Biden.

> The RRRs suffer from “Where’s Hunter” Derangement Syndrome: Don Junior was paid $50,000 to give a speech for a pro-Russian group; Eric Trump took the fifth over 500 times during a deposition in New York; and Ivanka Trump got trademarks for her businesses from foreign countries while her daddy was in office. But yet, the RRRs are fixated on Hunter Biden. (Go figure.)

> The RRRs suffer from DDS (Democrat Derangement Syndrome): For example:
* The RRRs like to needlessly scare the American people by saying that the Democrats want to defund the police. In REALITY, the Democrats do NOT want to defund the police, but they DO want reforms that will prevent unnecessary deaths (e.g., the unnecessary deaths of black people). ALSO in reality, many RRRs voted against the Democrat’s bill that included money to FUND the police. (So who are the REAL defunders?)
* The RRRs like to needlessly scare the American people by calling the Democrats’ efforts to help the sick, the poor, and the middle class “socialism”; and by FALSELY claiming that this so-called “socialism” will lead to totalitarianism. And the RRRs are doing that while they are praising Putin who is an ACTUAL totalitarian; AND while they are passing Trump-approved anti-democracy voting and election laws, which will ACTUALLY lead to totalitarianism. (So who are the REAL totalitarians?)

> The RRRs suffer from Book Derangement Syndrome: Driven by this syndrome, the RRRs have gone “book banning berserk”. Soon they will be banning books that mention evolution, climate change, and reproduction. And then, books that claim that the earth is not flat. (Note: Book banning a sign of creeping totalitarianism.)

> For four years, Trump suffered from DSDS (Deep State Derangement Syndrome): That is, he had a deranged fear of career civil servants who were loyal to the American people and loyal to our Constitution.

> The RRRs suffer from Science Derangement Syndrome: That’s because scientific facts often do not conform with what the RRRs want reality to be (e.g., like Trump, they want climate change to be a Chinese hoax).

> The RRRs suffer from Fauci Derangement Syndrome: That’s because, in an effort to save lives, he often makes recommendations that do not conform with what the RRRs want reality to be. It seems like they want reality to be this:
* We don’t have to play by Covid’s rules, and Covid will play by OUR rules. (How deranged is that?)
* We can get back to normal by passing pro-Covid laws, and by rejecting Fauci/science-inspired anti-Covid laws. (Good luck with that.)

The RRRs like to equate the anti-Covid laws to infringements on our personal freedoms. I have to agree with them on that point. Those laws are infringements on our personal freedoms in the same way that the laws for getting smallpox vaccinations, and for stopping at red lights, are infringements on our personal freedoms. Bottom line: These “common sense” infringements on our personal freedoms keep us safe. (Hey RRRs! You need to grow-up, and grow-up SOON. Your childish pro-Covid policies are KILLING people.)

> The RRRs suffer from “Let’s Go Brandon” Derangement Syndrome: This syndrome is evident every time the RRRs do a “Let’s Go Brandon” in order to block Biden’s efforts to make life better for average Americans (e.g., the Build Back Better Act). And it is evident every time the RRRs do a “Let’s Go Brandon” in order to block Biden’s efforts to save our democracy (e.g., the Freedom to Vote Act).

> The RRRs suffer from Voter Derangement Syndrome: The RRRs have a deranged fear of CERTAIN Americans exercising their Constitutional right to vote. Thus, the RRRs are passing a lot of “voter suppression” laws, in an effort to make it harder or impossible for these CERTAIN Americans to vote. The RRRs call these laws “voting integrity” laws, in an effort to deceive the American people about the purpose of these laws. (“CERTAIN Americans” are people who might vote for Democrats. Some of the people who might vote for Democrats are black people, brown people, college students, and people who love democracy.)

The RRRs cover story for their laws is that they will prevent the widespread voter fraud in our elections. In REALITY, there is NO evidence of widespread voter fraud in our elections. Thus, their laws will prevent IMAGINARY widespread voter fraud. And their laws will do REAL widespread harm to our democracy.

> Trump has a bad case of Voter Derangement Syndrome, and he supports the RRR’s anti-democracy “voter suppression” laws. He sees these anti-democracy “voter suppression” laws as a pathway to rig the 2022 election in his favor. In other words, he sees the destruction of our democracy as his pathway to win that election.

This list could be longer, but I will end it now, and then I’ll make a few more comments.

The first time I heard the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, I thought that it was a medical term that a group of psychiatrists had given to Trump’s frequent deranged behavior. (And I thought it came from the book entitled “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump”, which was written by 37 psychiatrists and mental health experts who have observed Trump’s behavior.) But then I realized what the term actually means. It means that the RRRs view people, who criticize Trump’s frequent deranged behavior, as being “deranged”. So in the minds of the RRRs, it is a “sign of derangement” to criticize “signs of derangement”. (That is SO deranged!)

In the opinion of some RRR observers, the people who the RRRs accuse of suffering from TDS are NOT the people suffering from TDS; and instead, the people who are ACTUALLY suffering from TDS are the RRRs. Their opinion is based on the fact that the RRRs believe all of the lies and BS that emanates from Trump’s mouth, and the fact that the RRRs have policies that are guided by his lies and BS. (I TOTALLY agree with that opinion.) Unfortunately for our nation, the RRR’s TDS is EXTREME and DANGEROUS. For example, they are passing anti-democracy laws that are motivated by Trump’s lies and BS (e.g., their “voter suppression” laws).

Here are a few more syndromes that afflict the RRRs:
PTDS (Pro-Trump Derangement Syndrome); MAGATS (“Make America Go Autocratic Today” Syndrome); Trump Deification Syndrome; Trump’s Puppets Syndrome; Trump’s Useful Idiots Syndrome; Pro-Covid Syndrome; and ADS (Anti-Democracy Syndrome).

The Anti-Democracy Syndrome afflicts Trump as well as the RRRs. For four years, driven by his ADS, Trump tried to suck the life out of our democracy. (This is consistent with the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies”, which was written by a Republican strategist.) And driven by their ADS, the RRRs supported Trump’s anti-democracy sucking efforts. And now the RRRs want to give him another chance to suck the life out of our democracy. And they are doing so by passing laws that will allow the RRRs to rig the 2024 election in Trump’s favor (e.g., “voter suppression” laws, election laws that allow the RRRs to override the will of the voters, and “racial gerrymandering” laws).

If our pro-democracy forces fail to undo the RRR’s Trump-approved anti-democracy laws, Trump will be able to COMPLETELY suck the life out of our democracy. And he will become the Totalitarian-in-Chief.
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