TDS - know the symptoms


Oderint dum metuant
Ask yourself - are TDS sufferers rational?

After 9/11, we tried everything we could think of to secure our country.

Anyone would want to protect our borders, wouldn't they? Obama said he did. Hillary said she did.

Apparently, now that Trump is the POTUS, some people don't anymore.

Isn't that a symptom?

here @ jpp, TDS is an additional problem for a huge lot of posters on a mission which already suffer from geriatric dementia. I smell oldness. oh, that is me.
It started with "Bush derangement syndrome". Mildly amusing and not very effective at defending Dubya's incompetence and unpopular bellicose proclivities .
Predictably countered with "Obama derangement syndrome". Tired and lame reciprocal euphemism for what was often truly racism.
Trump derangement syndrome?
Even Krauthammer might say, as he is dying, It's time to put this one to bed, brother.
I must conclude that in the absence of a quote to that effect that he said no such thing, dear Brother.

Krauthammer was probably the last guy on earth that might apply to Trump the term he coined to defend Bush Jr.

"I used to think Trump was an 11-year-old, an undeveloped schoolyard bully,"... "I was off by about 10 years. His needs are more primitive, an infantile hunger for approval and praise, a craving that can never be satisfied. He lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value — indeed exists — only insofar as it sustains and inflates him."

Could anyone imagine the man who said those words defending Trump on any level?
He would be appalled at the notion that his humorous pretend psychological syndrome he penned would be used to defend the baby in chief, dear brother.
Krauthammer was probably the last guy on earth that might apply to Trump the term he coined to defend Bush Jr. Could anyone imagine the man who said those words defending Trump on any level? He would be appalled at the notion that his humorous pretend psychological syndrome he penned would be used to defend the baby in chief, dear brother.

A fantasy wherein you "imagine" what dead people "probably" "might" or "would be" "appalled" by smacks of the foolish belief in an afterlife that religionists cling to, dear Brother.
Their collective butthurt over losing an election grows weirder by the day.

Now it's apparently considered "heroic" to refuse service to people employed by the White House.

But of course it's "muh rights" when a purposefully targeted Christian baker doesn't want to violate the tenets of his religion.
A fantasy wherein you "imagine" what dead people "probably" "might" or "would be" "appalled" by smacks of the foolish belief in an afterlife that religionists cling to, dear Brother.

Nothing supernatural implied or smacked. I was just hinting that you might respect a dead guys sentiment as to the use of his signature phrase.
Carry on with TD's favorite joke if you must brother, but it will always seems ironic that it originates from a guy (Krauthammer) who hated Trump as much as anyone ever has.
Dead guys don't have sentiments or desire respect, dear Brother.

Of course they don't, brother. They are gone.
But the irony persists that you would employ the signature phrase of anyone who hated Trump as much as Krauthammer did, in order to condescend the mental state of his detractors.
It makes me laugh every time.